most embarrassing moment

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Tagged by kpop_hoe so I have to share my most embarrassing moment. I have way too many but I'll share my most recent one.

So I am a lazy person when it comes to me washing clothes. I had to go to work one day but the only bra I had clean was my zip up ones that zipped in the front. I knew one of them was broken but I couldn't remember which one it was (they both looked the same.) So I picked one at random it zipped up just fine so I went ahead and went to work. Everything was fine but two hours into my shift my bra unzipped and we were busy. I couldn't just leave and fix my problem because I'm the cashier and we had a long line and a whole bunch of orders. So I was holding my chest with one arm while cashing out the customers. After the line went down I was trying to get one of my co-workers to cover for me while I went to the bathroom to try to fix myself. I was trying to ask this girl who's my friend to cover when  this boy who I work with (he didn't know I had a crush on him yet) asked me what was wrong I didn't want to say anything because it was embarrassed but he wouldn't let me go past until I told him. So I did and he started laughing and got my friend for me. After I fixed myself I avoided him for the rest of the shift. Lucky though he apologized for laughing and didn't bring it back up

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