January 17th, 2017

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Dear pages of my writing book,

I like Paris, I really do, I think she's perfect for Tanner. Today she came over and Tanner said that he was going to teach her a flip, but then she said that she already knew how to do one, which is cool. But, anyway, I filmed them on the tramp for a bit, Paris failed her warm-up flip but nailed the real one. Then she did a flawless backflip, which made Tanner want to do one.
He failed miserably, and probably got a concussion.
We went back inside and I felt like I was intruding on couple time so I grabbed Dylan and brought him outside, the conversation we had was really weird. We talked about how Dylan felt like Paris wasn't good enough for Tanner, we argued back and forth until I asked "Why?" and he said
"First, I want to be with her and second, he should be with you."
I did not say that I did, in fact, have a crush on Tanner. Did, not anymore, because he had Paris. I was just the friend living across the street. "I could go away and he probably wouldn't even notice." I had said.
Dylan pfft at me and shook his head. Then Tanner came outside and asked us why we had left. Dylan and I both answered with a half-hearted "No reason." And Tanner left it at that.
Dylan had to leave and Tanner and I went inside. We played guitar hero as he recorded and I totally kicked his ass.
Just kidding.
After an hour and a half of getting my butt kicked by Tanner he stopped recording. I told Tanner to get on instagram because Dylan was live streaming. Dylan kept telling everybody that he was going to say the giggity really fast. I don't know, it's just something him and Tanner have going on.
Then I looked at the time and said I had to go.
Now I'm writing in here at 10 pm and mom and dad still aren't home.


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