Chapter 1 Enlisting

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My twin brother and I live with my mom and step monster. I'm Evangeline Ruby Kirk born on the earth date January 22. My twin brother James Tiberious Kirk was born mere seconds before me but to us he's a year older.

We know all too well that every second of your life is precious. Our father died seconds after our birth. To James and I seconds are everything, your whole life can change in seconds mere measly seconds.

Those 12 seconds should have been 12 years or more with our real father, our true father not our step monster.

It's been 12 years now me and Kirk have gotten past our fathers death. Our mother we haven't seen much of her at all she's always away working.

Life goes on in long seconds for us.


A sharp knock on the door dragged me from my thoughts. I got up from my room tiptoeing past Bill the step monster. I peered through the door cautiously.

"Hello," I greeted.

"Hello citizen is this your brother?" a robot cop asked holding James up by his collar.

"Yes sir he is," I replied and nodded.

"I will have your mother informed of his misdoings good day." The robot cop dropped James and left.

"Jim, Bills gonna kill us! Way to go it's already hell here now you have to go and make trouble!" I scolded.

"Sorry, and he won't lay a hand on you I pinky promise," Jim swore and held up his pinky. I giggled and shook his pinkie.


But it only got worse mom almost never came back and Bill was an angry drunk. Jim tried shielding me but he could only do so much.

I had one really bad scar on my left shoulder. It's a knife wound a pretty bad one. The scar looked pretty bad so I never wore tank tops or normal swim suits I have specially made one's that cover my shoulders and go into shorts.

After another 7 years past uneventful. Jim brought home different girls every night. Bill had left with my mother they came home sometimes not often which was fine by me. Every night I cried myself to sleep my mother stopped caring about me and Jim after awhile she couldnt look at us without seeing Dad in our faces. Jim was the only one who actually cared about me and he really didn't have time for me because he was such a player with the ladies. He got the looks from every girl. I guess I was very pretty but he scared of any guy that came within 2 feet of me.

One Friday night everything changed.


Jim actually brought me to a bar with him to celebrate our birthday. I was walking through the bar looking at everything when I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry," I apologized, quickly.

"No problem I'm Uhura" The girl held her hand out.

"I'm Evangeline people just call me Evie" I took her hand and shook it.

"Cool are you in Starfleet" Uhura asked.

"Oh no me and my brother try not to involve in Starfleet" I shrugged.

"Oh why" Uhura asked.

"We lost someone very dear to us in Starfleet to many bad memories" I shoved away the memories.

"Oh well sorry I asked" Uhura said.

"No it's fine wanna drink" I asked. She agreed and we talked at the bar for awhile. Then my brother interrupted.

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