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Chapter 1 

Me, I'm an FBI agent. But, my family doesn't know! Only my mother does... She tried her hardest to get me not to become one, but, I ignored her wishes and pursued my dream career. As my mother suspected, it treated me well! That was until I got a big head and got myself caught in a line of fire. A bullet, pierce my shoulder sending me out of my job on a paid leave for 3 weeks until I can get the stitches out. For that time, I was sent home to Chicago, which was 790 west of my home at the bureau. 

As I walked up to my sisters apartment door, I took a deep breath. This was the first time I've been home in 3 years. I haven't seen my mother, my sister, or my nephew since then and it's strange being back! I let go of my suitcase handle and knocked on the door with my left hand, my right being held in an irritating sling. About .5 seconds after I knocked, the door opened and revealed my sister smiling brightly. 

"My baby sister!" She giggled, and I just shook my head, hugging her tightly with my one free arm. 

"How are you?" I mumbled into her shoulder as she held me tightly. 

"I'm alright!" She gulped, stepping back and looking at me. "How are you? You look amazing by the way!" She smiled and I shrugged.

"I could be better!" I gestured to my sling and she nodded, laughing slightly. 

"AUNTY ANG!" A little voice chirped as a small little brunette toddler came running towards me with open arms.  

"Hey Leo!" I laughed, bending down and embracing his tiny little body. 

"Mio dio!" My mom hissed as she walked into the room and I looked over at my short mother who was grabbing her knives. 

"Ciao mama!" I smiled and she just glared at me. 

"Mom's a little mad that you left for New York only to get shot! How did it happen anyways?" My sister Maria crossed her arms and I looked up into my sisters large brown eyes and shook my head. 

"Drive by..." I gulped. "I guess I was just in the wrong spot at the wrong time!" I smiled slightly. It hurt to lie to my sister, someone who has always been there for me through thick and thin. 

"Damn, the world these days!" She sighed, grabbing my suitcase, bringing down the hallway to the guest room. 

"Ti siedi qui e dici bugie a tua sorella! Una vergogna!"

"Mom, it's more complicated then me sitting here telling lies!" I mumbled, picking Leo up, placing him on my hip. "You're the one who doesn't want me to tell her!" I sighed and my mom shook her head, cutting her tomatoes. 

"Because you're sister is crazy! Molto pazzo!" My mom laughed slightly making a slight smile form. 

"I missed you mom!" I gulped and my mom nodded. 

"it's nice to have la mia figlia bambina back!" She smiled, reaching over the counter and grabbing my hand. 

"Ang, will you take Leo to the park for me?" Maria yelled from the guest room and I nodded. 

"Right now?" I called back. 

"Yeah, his jacket is in the closet by the door! I forgot to take him today and he doesn't sleep if he doesn't get to go to his precious park! So I figured, why not have his favorite aunt take him to his favorite place?" Maria came back in smiling brightly and I nodded. 

"Sounds like a solid plan!" I giggled, brushing Leo's think brown locks out of his face, looking into his big brown eyes that resembled his mother's greatly. 

"Be back per cena!" My mom yelled as I bundled Leo up. 

"Si mama!" I laughed before walking out with my nephew. 

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