Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to Molsss for making the beautiful cover of this story. The side bar cover is by BreannaLynn. Thank you so much - both of you! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 2!!!


Jay stared at Shay, a grin latched to his face. She blinked, her eyebrow raised before reply. "Hello. I'm Shay." Her voice was expressionless and dull as she spoke, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that the new visitor had come over to her. She bit the inside of her cheek and stared at her phone, slipping it back into her pocket after turning the screen off.

"Is that your own work?" Said a voice next to her, making her jump and the phone fell to the floor. She bent to pick it up, her hand connecting with another persons, a more masculine hand. Her eyes traced the hand back to its owner to find it was Jay how had disturbed her daydream. She sighed faintly, nodding.

"Yeah. I took it a.. a few minutes ago before you came in." She whispered as he handed her back her phone. He smiled softly, watching her drop the phone into her pocket once more. "It's real good. You could probably sell it or something. My mum is a gallery owner." He suggested, shrugging lightly.

"Maybe, yeah." She mumbled, turning her head to the front of the room just as the teacher stumbled in. She heard Jay rise to his feet so that the kind woman could introduce him. She coughed into her hand, then rested her chin on her hands, willing to listen to the introduction.

"Good morning class." Miss Greenstone pronounced, smiling happily. "Today we will be joined by Mr. Jayden Demottire." He waved slightly. "Tell us about yourself Jay." The teacher spoke, her voice showing excitement of a new student to her art class.

"Hello. My name is Jayden, but please call me Jay. I am from South California and have lived in five different countries before now, in England. I live alone with my mum, who is a Gallery owner. I'm a fan of Photography and light metal music. I hope you will treat me well." He grinned at the end, his eyes shining with achievement.

"Thank you - Jay. Please take a seat where ever is free." Miss Greenstone chuckled, gesturing to a few open places. Shay crossed her fingers under her desk, hoping he wouldn't sit next to her. She didn't want him bullied too. She looked at her desk, listening to the footfall as Jay wandered around, mentally picking a seat. She heard a chair grind agaisnt the floor as it was pulled out and a small plop as he sat down.

She turned her head slightly, hoping the noises weren't close. She blinked, seeing the seat next to her filled with a black haired boy. She groaned internally. He better not annoy her in this class, it was her favourite. She sighed, resting herself back into her chair, it creaking under her weight.

The lesson spun on, Jay chattering in Shay's ear and Shay coldly ignoring him. When it came to the work, she painted her heart out while Jay continued to mumble in her ear. Finally she snapped. "Do you actually ever shut up?" She hissed, flicking paint at him. 

He grinned, picking up his own paint brush. "Nope!" he replied, flicking paint back at her. She scowled as she flicked more. Her face hide her internal laughter well. He blew on his brush and paint sprayed onto her white blouse, turning it pale blue. He chuckled as she pounced on him, paintbrush swiping at his shirt. She giggled out loud - a grin spread onto her face. 

The class paused on their work, hearing Shay giggle for the first time in 9 years. Her old best friend blinked and her mouth dropped, Shay was grinning, like the day when the school jock had asked her out in Year 4. Paintbrushes rolled off desks and Shay paused mid-air, paintbrush waving in the air before falling to her side. She blushed, dropping it to the floor and grabbing her bag from under her desk. 

"Sorry." She mumbled, rushing to the door.

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