Chapter 18- Betrayed

Start from the beginning

“Yes,” Hermione said.

“Oh my God, that’s awesome!” I yelled excited. “I’ll get to see a dragon for real!”

“Yes, you get to see it,” Harry said bitterly. “I get to fight it.”

“Oh right,” I muttered awkwardly. “Sorry.”

“You can’t tell Cedric,” Hermione added seriously.

“Who knows?” I asked sitting down.

“Well, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang already know,” Hermione said looking away.

“So… Cedric’ll be the only one clueless?” I asked confused. “Ok, it’s your call Harry. If you wish to tell him, do.”

“Thanks,” Harry said, but I knew he’d tell him, so I’m not really worried. Well, not worried of him not knowing. Worried of either of them getting killed? I’m very worried of that.

“Well, anyway,” I said remembering why I came here in the first place. “I’m sorry about the rumors Harry, you know I didn’t choose Cedric.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Harry replied with a small smile.

I hugged him tightly reassuring him he’ll do good in the first task.

“I have to go now, good luck!” I said smiling.

“Aren’t you helping us?” Hermione said confused.

“Sorry guys,” I said guiltily “I promised I’ll meet Cedric. Plus, I can’t help Harry, that’d make me seem like a traitor. I won’t tell them what you discovered, but I’m not helping either!”

“I understand, don’t worry,” Harry said smiling.

I left then to find Cedric. He was practicing all day long all types of spells. I knew some of them’ll be useful, but somewhere just off… but I had promised Harry and Hermione. Cedric noticed that I kept quiet while the others where all giving their opinions as to what spells where more likely to be useful.

“What do you think Ash?” Cedric asked sitting beside me.

“I…” I hesitated. “I can’t tell you.”

“Why?” Scott asked frowning.

“I promised,” I replied looking down. Scott is the one who’ll probably get angrier out af the five of them.

“Who?” Kevin asked sitting by my other side.

“Harry,” I replied.

“Oh great,” Scott muttered. “So you’re helping Harry?”

“I’m not helping him!” I exclaimed a bit hurt. “He discovered it on his own, so he made me not tell anyone! I’d do the same for Cedric!”

“You’re not doing it,” Scott snapped. “You’re helping Harry! Why can’t you just tell Cedric?”

“Guys-“ Kevin started, but we both ignored him.

“Shut up! I didn’t help him in which spells to use! He discovered what the stupid task was, and made me not tell anyone. If Cedric had found out what the task was, he wouldn’t want me to tell Harry either!” I yelled angrily.

“That’s not the point!” Scott shouted, yet I could sense he knew I had won.

“This isn’t about you anyway,” I muttered looking at Cedric. “I’m sorry Ced.”

“Don’t be,” he assured. “I understand.”

Scott scoffed and I couldn’t really take it anymore.

“Why are you being such a jerk to me lately?” I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

“It’s just…” he muttered looking away. “It feels like you’ve chosen them before us.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Well, you’re a Gryffindor… so I’m just thinking you’d choose them if it came to it.”

“I am not like that, Scott,” I said frowning. “I wouldn’t just choose one of them. They’re both important to me and frankly? I don’t even care if they win. I just want them to be safe.”

Scott nodded, not really meeting my eye, but I let him be for now. Cedric continued practicing, and asked me to at least comment in which of the spells he casted where completely useless, so I did.

“Dragons!” Cedric said grabbing my shoulders smiling. “It’s dragons!”

“What?” I asked confused. I mean, I’m walking to my class and he suddenly appears like this.

“Harry told me about the first task!” Cedric said smiling. “I know what I should do!”

“Really?” I asked relieved. Which spell are you using?

“I’ll have to distract him… I talked it over with the others, and we desided I could transfigurate something to distract the dragon!”

“Now that’s a good idea!” I exclaimed excited.

“Meet us later?” he asked making me smile and nod.

He grinned as he walked away, hurrying to his next class.

The rest of the day after the classes, Cedric kept practicing transfiguration spells in different types of objects into different types of animals. They decided an animal will be the best distraction to a dragon, and I quietly agreed. I didn0t help them with the theories of what could be better to distract a dragon, but Scott made no comment of it. I noticed they weren’t wearing the ‘Potter stinks’ badges anymore, and that made me smile.

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