Chapter 13- The Fight

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The fight

I woke up next morning feeling somehow relaxed. Maybe I’ll go visit Cedric today… I headed straight to breakfast to find the trio already there… well the trios –Harry, Ron and Hermione; Fred, George, and Lee– and headed there, sitting next to Hermione.

“Good morning!” I chirped happily as I took a bit of French toast.

“Oh, Ashley!” Hermione said happily as she saw me. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, but when I arrived you were already asleep…”

“What about?” I said eating hungrily.

She took a box she had in her lap and moving her dishes, she put it in front of her. She opened it and I almost chocked. It was filled with badges that said ‘S.P.E.W.’

“Erm… spew?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“S.P.E.W!” she snapped annoyed as I rose my hands in defence.

“So… S.P.E.W. meaning…?” I asked trying not to laugh.

“It stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.” She said proudly as she smiled.

“Oh… I’m supposing it’s your idea?”

“Of course; I’ve just started it.” She said, again proudly.

“And why on earth of all the combination of words… did you choose the ones that form spew?” I asked gently, and Ron covered his laugh while he coughed, while the twins did it freely.

“Well,” she said as she blushed a bit. “It was going to be named Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal

Status - but it wouldn't fit.”

I laughed a little at that.

“So… will you join? Just two sickles!” she said smiling. “Harry and Ron joined… but Fred and George opposed. They just don’t get the importance of this like we do. So Ron is the treasurer, and Harry is secretary. I was thinking you could recruit members-“

“Hermione,” I interrupted smiling sadly. “I… I actually think I’m going to pass.”

Ron and Harry chocked on their food starring at me with wide eyes. Ron started moving his hand in his throat as if cutting it, telling me to stop.

 “What?” Hermione said kind of angry. “Why not?”

“Well…” I said reluctantly, knowing she’d be angry. “I just don’t think elves dislike working… I mean, Dumbledore wouldn’t make them. I’m sure they could stop any time they wanted. I know,” I said before she could interrupt. “Dobby wanted to be a free elf… you mentioned that a lot of times. It’s just… I can’t base my decision in Dobby, he worked for the Malfoys after all.”

“But, Ashley, they’re slaves and-“

“Again,” I said interrupting. “I don’t think Dumbledore would make them do anything against their will. I’m really sorry, but I don’t really think I should be a part of it… I think you might be overreacting a bit…”

“Elves want to be freed!” she exclaimed angrily.

“Have you asked them?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Well- no, but I mean-”

“Exactly,” I said drinking some juice.

“Look Ashley, you’re not thinking this through-“

“Hermione,” I sighed a bit annoyed now. “Please not now… I don’t have time to discuss this right now, I wanted to visit Cedric and-”

“Oh yeah,” she said glaring at me, “Seeing Cedric? I mean, seeing as how you mess with every boy I thought you guys were in a fight.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I said trying to keep a calm voice, but even I could hear the warning tone in it. What the bloody hell is wrong with her?

“I didn’t stutter,” she said smirking. “I guess you are right, you don’t have time for elves’ rights; but, to mess with guys there is always time, right? The only guy you don’t flirt with is Harry… you’re even flirted with Malfoy! Are you sure you’re capable of a relationship?”

 “You say that because you’re jealous guys actually like me other than for just friendship!” I snapped without thinking, and the hurt in her eyes made me regret it. “Hermione I didn’t-”

“At least I’m not a slut!” she said now furious. I stared at her incredulously as I felt tears in my eyes. I could see her eyes waver a bit, but then they hardened again.

“Fine then,” I said standing up. “You wouldn’t want people thinking that if you hang around me. I’ll do you a favor and leave.

I left the table and walked towards the door, my head held high. I tried not to let my tears fall as I walked out of the Great Hall, and as I was about to run outside a hand stopped me. I thought maybe Hermione followed me, feeling sorry, but it was Cedric.

“What happened there?” he asked as he hugged me. “Why did you two start such a fight?”

I sobbed. Of course, probably the whole school had heard because I do know at least I shouted.

“It doesn’t matter.” I stated as I rested my head in his shoulder –standing on my tiptoes- and played absentmindedly with this hair.

He sighed but did not push it.

The next weeks I always sat in the Hufflepuff table during meals. I would talk to Ron and Harry, and they would try and make me talk with Hermione, but I would leave as soon as they even mentioned her… or if I saw her. Fred and George also talked to me, and they never mentioned the fight, which I was grateful for.

I was actually spending a lot of time with Cedric now, and I liked it. I had missed him a lot during the past weeks, so it felt good to be with him… it made me forget about the fight… at least when I was with him, later, I would remember it. How did we get in such a mess?

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