We stayed there until our oxygen ran out and we were suppose to swim back to the surface.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed once we were back at the boat. "Have you seen what's hidden down there?! It's like a different kind of world!"

Luca just looked at me and smirked.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing,it's just that I never saw you happy and excited before. Most of the time you're strict and distance."

"Oh." I cleared my throat as I realized what I was doing.

"No,don't stop you look beautiful when you're all energentic."

A blush crept on my cheeks.

"Thanks." I mumbled trying to hide my smile.

We took off the diving clothes and the equipment and then go off the boat when it was out of the water. My hair was wet but I dried it with a towel given to me and sqeezed the water out of it.

"Now to our next stop." Luca announced.

"There's more?" I was a little surprised.

"Of course come on."


"Hang gliding!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." he shrugged.

"No, I can't." I backed away.

"Nothing bad will happen."

"We could die!"

Luca rolled his eyes. "It isn't my firsr time I go hang gliding and I'm still alive,come on."


"Claire come on. This is suppose to be a romantic date."

"Why can't it be a normal date. We can go to the cinima and what a lame chick-flick and all of that shit."

"Because it's so clichè and borning. Now come on." he came towards but I quickly turned around and was ready to run.

"Oh no you won't." Luca quickly caught me and then turn me around to face him. Man he's fast.

"Do you trust me?" he asked. I looked at him asking myself the same question. Do i trust him?

"Yes." I answered a little bit hesistated.

"Then you know that I will never do anything that would hurt you,right?"

I just nodded my head slowly.

"Good. Now let's go." It was when I realized how close we were standing. His hands were wrapped around my body and pressing it against mine. I practically froze especially when I felt his lips getting closer.

"Let's go." I suddenly said and then stepped back.

Luca looked at me and then gestured that I walk first. After putting on the clothes and all of that we stepped inside the triangular shapped metel and Luca began running off the cliff. I let out a screem and clenched my fist as tight as I can.

"You can open your eyes now!" Luca shouted from behind me so I can hear him.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the green landscapes. My eyes widened as I saw the beauty infront of me.

"Wooooo!" I yelled and laughed.

"Yeah!" Luca added.

When we landed on the ground I felt the adrenaline as it pumped through my veins.

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