Chapter 2:- New lovers

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The next day......

Weiss and Ruby went to a fair with Qrow and Winter for the day. They went separate ways just in case they get mithered by each other. Qrow and Winter walked and laughed at each other stories. Ozpin,Glynda and Ironwood went there and saw Qrow with Winter having fun. Ironwood got an angry feeling in him after seeing this went to him to hurt him but Glynda stopped him and shocked her head. Ironwood went back and let them carry on with there date. Whilst Qrow and Winter was having fun the saw Ruby and Weiss on the archery area. Ruby got better score then Weiss and Weiss wanted help from Ruby. They watch them and smiled. Ruby showed Weiss how to do it and Weiss scored her first 10. "OH MY GOODNESS RUBY I DID IT"Weiss giggled and jumped in joy. All of a sudden she fell and Ruby and they laughed. So Weiss helped Ruby up and she dragged Ruby to the Ferris wheel. "Qrow?" Winter asked,"Should we go on it?" Before Qrow was going to reply Winter dragged him to the Ferris wheel. Whilst Ruby and Weiss want running a Grimm came out of nowhere and scratched Ruby in the face. Qrow and Winter saw what happened and stopped. Before the Grimm scratched her more her cousin(Qrow's older daughter) got in the way.

"Leave them alone you beast!"Jess said. The Grimm ran to her and she started fighting the Grimm. Before he could kill her she got her scythe and sliced the Grimm into pieces and let the Grimm disappear. Qrow saw her and ran to her. "Jess?" He shouted. Jess turned and ran to him saying "Dad!" Winter stopped for a moment and thought 'How did he get a daughter?' Qrow turned and introduced Jess to Winter. "Jess meet my girlfriend,Winter meet Jess my daughter!" Qrow said and smiled. "Hi you must be Winter Schnee daughter of Jacques Schnee who owned the Schnee dust company!" Jess said and smiled. "Nice to meet you Jess!"Winter said politely. 

Ruby ran to Jess and hugged her. "Did you miss me? Did you miss me?" Ruby landed on Jess in hyper mode. Jess looked at Ruby weirdly and said"Maybe.....b-b-b-ut...." Ruby looked"But what?" Jess replied"Can you get off me your making me not breathe?" Jess was coughed because of how much Ruby weighted. Qrow dragged Ruby off and helped Jess up. 

Ozpin,Glynda and Ironwood came over and stood there and talked to Jess. "Jess Rose Branwen out there you saved your own cousin!" Ozpin said,"Would you like to come to Beacon Academy and become a real one?" Qrow and Winter got shocked and nudged Jess cause she was daydreaming! Jess jump and replied"Of course I wanna join! Also can my sister and my mates join?" Ozpin nodded and asked her to come with him and her team.

"This is Beacon Academy Jess!"Glynda and Ozpin said. Jess got shocked and ran to the entrance. "Wow this is amazing it's better than the other schools (even Signal Academy)" Jess smiled. Qrow got jealous cause he worked here to help Ruby and Jess. "Oh dad I'm joking Signal is okay but I really like it here!" Jess said,"Hey Emily come here!" Emily slowly came and looked at it and her eyes widened.

There new school was going to be at Beacon Academy...... Wait what about there mates (Sasha and Zara)

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