Chapter 2

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"What..." Kai questioned. Kai looked at cinder she didn't look to surprised.
"Why aren't you freaking out your pregnant!" "I already knew but I didn't know for sure and I didn't want to give you false hope." Cinder said in a very relaxed tone.
"I cant believe I'm gonna be a dad!" Inside cinders mind she was freaking out she couldn't believe she was going to have a baby.
"I can't wait to tell the crew." Scarlet and wolf already had a daughter so if she was worried she knew where to go. Only problem is that they live in Paris, France.
"How long have you known cinder?"
"Well when I started puking my guts out a couple of weeks ago I knew something was up but today I took a pregnancy test and it was positive." Kai looked very surprise like he thought he was stupid for not noticing that she was pregnant.
"I need to call Torin have him set up a press conference." Kai grabbed his port and left the room to call Torin. Cinder immediately started freaking out she wasn't ready to go in front of the entire commonwealth and say she was pregnant she could barely say it in front of the world leaders. Kai had rented the room and sat in the chair by the window.
"Torin is setting up the meeting now it will be tomorrow."
"Ok" cinder said nervously. This was going to be a long 9 months.
Sorry guys for the short chapter. 👌

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