Chapter 2

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10 hours, an uncomfortable flight, and an even more uncomfortable car ride later...

Ding Dong!

Syra rung the doorbell to this gorgeous, almost magical house that was to be her home for the summer. The weather was pleasant for a warm June afternoon, and a gentle breeze tickled at her shoulders while she waited for Sarah to answer the door. She did not want to ring the bell a second time, so as to not startle her Mom or to hint that it might be her on the other side of the door. Well you see, she had decided to surprise her parents with the visit to make up for the last 2 years of no visits.

I hope she's home, she prayed.

Almost a gazillion years later, Sarah finally opened the door, squinting towards face to look at her. What started as a confused frown (she was probably taking a nap, if the bed hair was anything to go by), quickly turned into a grin (so wide that it split her face in half) and just as quickly into a waterfall of tears as the surprise registered with her.

She looked a lot weaker than she could remember and Syra again felt that pang of guilt, this time a 1000 times intensified that she hadn't been there to take care of her Mom. Her hands and feet were swollen because of her arthritis, and the fingers of her hand had become knotty with deformities from her condition.

"Oh Mom, it is so nice to see you!", Syra said to the blubbering mess of tears that she hugged into herself.

"Sy baby! When did you reach? When was your flight? Why didn't you tell us? How was the flight? You should have told your Dad at least! He could have arranged a car to pick you at the airport! These taxis are so uncomfortable! Oh you're rally here! How long are you staying? Please don't tell me you're here only for weekend young lady!", and she managed all of that in just one breath.

"Calm down Mom!", Syra laughed at her Mom, "Can we please go inside and then talk. I'm really tired.."

"Of course, come in sweetheart. I'm telling you, you will love the house. Isn't it beautiful. What will you have? Do you want to see your room or eat first?"

"Thanks Mom, but I'm reeeeally tired, I think I'll nap a bit first. The cab ride home was awful. Why is the airport so far away? So, which one's my room?"

Her mom led her to a room on the first floor of the east wing all the while fussing over her, telling her she had become so weak (really?) and her hair was so thin, telling her she needed 'discipline and routine' to get her life back on track. Hmm, is that so?

She opened the door to the far left of the corridor and the room in itself was enough for her to swoon. Her mom really did outdo herself in making the room drool-worthy.

A cosy two section room with an alcove which seated her bed greeted her as soon as she entered

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A cosy two section room with an alcove which seated her bed greeted her as soon as she entered. A vintage pink single-seater sofa with matching ottoman stood proud beside another alcove window which she could totally imagine as her favorite spot with the windows open and a book in her hand with a steaming cup of coffee in the other. The walls were lined with pictures from her childhood. Happy days!

"Mom the room looks amazing! Thank you so much...Is this the picture from when I first rode the bicycle?", she laughed.

Sarah joined in on the laughter, rubbing her eyes, "Yes it is, and do you remember just after this picture, you crashed straight into a bush in the neighbors, Tanners' house? And you, while everyone was bracing themselves to console a bawling 5 year old, you couldn't stop laughing at the hilarity of it all"

"Crazy times Mom. Thanks to you and Dad, a had such a wonderful childhood.."

"You don't need to thank me honey, you deserve it after everything that happened....", Sarah paused thinking how life took such a turn, turning her happy laughing child into the person standing before her today, "I was hoping you would visit soon. I missed you a lot, and now that you're here, I promise it'll be so much fun. I can't wait till your Dad comes and sees you.."

"Yupp me neither", turning away from the pictures on the wall, Syra smiled at her mother.

"Syra, honey you know if you ever need someone to talk to about..."

"Thanks Mom, but I'm fine, really. Don't worry about it. I just need to lie down for a bit. What time is Dad home?", she interjected before her mom could finish. For some reason, Syra had trouble meeting her mother's kind brown eyes, the ones she had inherited from her.

Her Mom sighed, clearly seeing the deflection, but choosing not to comment on it. There'll be plenty of time for that, hopefully. It broke her heart to see her child so distraught, so lost. Instead of voicing her concerns, she just added, "He'll be here in time for dinner Sy. You rest up till then."

With that her mom turned and left her alone, to gather her thoughts in this magical room in this magical house.

Kicking off her shoes, she chose to try the bed instead, diving in face first...

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