Hidden Secrets Unraveled

Start from the beginning

"It's me Brayger." Brayger says and I shriek.

Brayger laughs and so does another guy who looks Hispanic. No, wait! He looks like a Cherokee Indian. Same skin tone and all.

"It's me Wolfson silly. We will not harm you Ala. I am half Cherokee, part Alexin, and Caucasian." Wolfson says with his long black and gray Indian locks of hair.

Brileon looks at them with his mouth wide open. Then, a woman with long brown hair and  beautiful yellow orange eyes walks in. Before I can stop myself I say, "Tasha?"

It comes out more as a question and she nods. "It's me my queen. Though why it took this knuckle head so long to marry you I have no idea." Tasha says and Brileon starts to sway on his feet.

Brayger and Wolfson catch him before he does.

Brayger looks at him and says, "Sorry my friend. We couldn't tell you. We would shift back into ourselves at night when everyone was asleep. If everyone was still up we would simply have Tasha shift. She would lock the doors then we would shift. Prince Nipty's family would come pick us up and we would spend time at their place for a few days. They would return us and if  we needed to shift back into animals before landing we would."

"Wow! I need to sit down! I really, really, really, need to sit down." Brileon says as I sit down.

"So, you are saying I rode on the back of a half human Eaglehawk." I say still trying to wrap my mind around all of this.

"Yep, just as Brileon has been riding on me, Wolfson, and Brayger for years." Tasha replies.

"Why didn't y'all tell me? I could have hurt you. I am not light you know." Brileon says and they all chuckle.

"Brileon we don't feel your weight silly. You feel very light when we are in animal form." Brayger says.

"Okay, just give me a while to process all this. You know your secrets are safe with us. I just...Wow!" Brileon says.

After a few seconds

Brileon looks at his mom and dad.

"And your death? That was faked as well. I knew something was off, but I just couldn't figure it out. One minute my dad was nice and kind. I saw you and who I thought was Triston kissing and in love with one another when I was seven. That is the relationship I wanted. That is why I waited so long to marry. Then, it was as if he was a totally different person.  He would not allow me to wait for my soul mate. He was mean to our citizens and forced me to marry Trisha after I became king. In fact, he really didn't want to turn the throne over to me." Brileon says.

"Are you sure he didn't die? I am sure I buried his body." Brileon says.

"No son, he did not die from the Rosarian Bubonic Plague. He and I are immune to it. What you saw was him pretending to die from something we were born immune to. My brother has always been able to scheme his way out of situations." Mr. Aileron Triston says.

"So, who did I bury? Is he still the rightful king." Brileon asks.

"A poor guy who had succumbed to the Rosarian Bubonic Plague. My brother used facial technology that we have in our possession. It allows you to place a plastic silicon mask over your face. The silicon attaches to your face and creates a skin replica mold of your face. All you have to do is place it over the other person's face and it will transform that person to look like you. It will even change the pigment of the skin to look like yours as well as the ears and eyes. And no, to the last part. You are rightfully king. I made you my heir before I left. I signed my brother Triston's name and had your mother legalize it as soon as my brother became king. I knew my brother was up to something. I had no idea he would kill our parents then try to kill me though." Mr. Aileron says with tears flowing down his face and I cringe.

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