"What friend?"

"Doesn't matter, bye!" I said, and then raced down the hall and out the door.

"Otto! Otto! Get back here!" I heard my father yell, but I kept running.

            I called Jeremy letting him know that I was running to his house and to drive to pick me up, because I couldn’t make it back to his house. I was probably running for about five minutes before I saw Jeremy's car. Rushing up to the car, he slowed down, and I hopped in and we sped back to his house. I lied back in the chair and closed my eyes, and the pain set in from running. Once at Jeremy's house his mom and dad were sitting on the couch waiting for us. I knew what they were going to ask, and I didn’t want to hear it, but Jeremy and I sat down.

"How was the meeting?" his mother asked.

"Fine." I replied.

"So are you ready to talk?" Jeremy's dad asked.

"I don't know, I will try." I said.

"Alright, that’s a start. So what exactly happened Otto?" Jeremy's mother asked.

"I was on my way home and when I was walking up to my house I noticed that the furniture was thrown around," I said taking a pause, not wanting to continue.

"And when you got in the house?" Jeremy's dad asked gently.

"I came in, and my father came down the stairs in a rage," I said shaking my head from  the memories, "he was mad because I was called in for a meeting; he thought it was my fault. I explained to him it wasn’t but he was still mad, and pushed me up against a wall and started to hit me. He then left me once I was on the ground," I continued to say not wanting to go further; I could feel the water in my eyes and fought hard not to cry.

"How did you get the cuts?" Jeremy's mother asked with worried eyes.

"He went upstairs, and brought down his special cane with little spikes at the end that stuck out about a millimeter. I hadn’t been hit with that in such a long time, and I remembered it vividly. I bolted, or tried; I was knocked on the side and he dragged it to my back, then swung again and it caught my arm, so he dragged it all the way down. He gave me this disappointed look, and he turned to put the cane away and I decided it was now or never. So I ran, and I didn’t stop for a while. The pain eventually sunk in and I had to stop, stupidly it was at Alex's house and she saw me, so I ran again and made it to your house, or almost made it." I finished with tears falling from my eyes.

          Jeremy's mother came over and gave me a hug which made me cry even harder. When did I become so weak? I used to be able to hold in the pain and tears… Jeremy's father looked disturbed by what I told him. Jeremy looked like he discovered something new. I didn’t care, all I knew was I was in a safe place for once in my life. I finally stopped crying after five minutes or so, and Jeremy's dad looked deep in thought.

"How long has this been going on?" Jeremy's father asked.

"Since I was a little kid." I replied. Jeremy's mother choked at that.

"You poor darling!" she said and pulled me into a hug.

"That isn’t the worst of it, and I guess I should tell you since I'm coming clean."

"What else could there be?" Jeremy's dad asked with shock.

"First off my mom left my dad and took my sister and left me. It was a deal, father said she could leave with my sister if I was left behind. Father has mentally abused me since I was a kid. He has told me that no one will ever like me, that I was a mistake and could never be loved…all of it falls along that line. I've never told anyone about that, not even Jeremy." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes.

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