Where Are You- Chapter Eighteen

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The next couple days are a blur.
I don't feel. I don't laugh. I don't love. I feel incomplete.
Adriana, Alex and Fletch try to cheer me up, but it's no use.
Braden has been acting the same way. Cooped up in his room, only coming out once a day for a meal.
Denis went back to his apartment a couple days ago, and hasn't talked to any of us since.
Elijah went back to his house, and hasn't tried to call me, or talk to me.
It's like we never happened.
And that's what hurts the most.

One day, Adriana comes bouncing into my room.
"Listen, Y/N, we're going out." She says firmly.
I look up at her in surprise. "No." I say. "I haven't had a shower in days, and all my clothes are dirty."
She rolls her eyes. "Well, take a shower, borrow some of my clothes, and lets go."
We argue for fifteen minutes before she persuades me to go to the mall.
I quickly hop into the shower, grab some of Adriana's leggings and one of my sweaters, and throw my hair up.
I look like a mess, but I honestly don't care.

Adriana talks the whole drive to the mall. Doesn't stop, actually. She talks about clothes, the weather, everything.
Except Alex and everyone else.
"Adriana, you can talk about Alex. It's okay. He's your boyfriend." I say politely.
She looks at me in sympathy.
"I know." I sighs. "I just, I feel so bad."
I shake my head. "You don't have to."
"I know. It's just, you haven't smiled in days. You haven't been you, you know?" She bites her lip. "The past couple weeks have been terrible, and just when we think we have everything figured out, something bad happens."
I let her words sink in. I need to turn this situation around.
After the mall, I'm going to go to Elijah's, and win him back.
After that, I feel way more optimistic. And Adriana goes to a new mall, different from the last mall we went to. When the accident happened.
For the first time in days, I smile, I laugh, and I feel happy.
We shop for a couple hours, trying on clothes, and buying some.
"Wanna go to Starbucks?" Adriana giggles, pointing to the shop.
I nod. "Duh." I tease, chuckling, and run into the store.
Until I see him, and stop dead in my tracks.
It's Elijah.
He's with another girl.
Shes stunning. She has long, curly, caramel coloured hair, and bright green eyes. Her skin matches her hair colour, and she has perfect teeth, which I see when she laughs.
Adriana comes up behind me.
"What's wro- oh." She huffs.
Their each holding a steaming hot coffee, sitting across from each other. Their in mid conversation, and Elijah bursts out laughing every once in a while.
I just stand there, and I feel like crying. My arms droop, and the shopping bags I was once holding but the floor.
He's already found someone new.
Then he looks over at me.
Once he sees me, a pained expression falls over his face. I stare into his twinkling eyes, and my vision is becoming blurry as tears escape.
I shake my head, grab my shopping bags and turn around, in a hurry.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Adriana follows me to her car.
Once we get there, I slam the door as quick as I can, breathing heavily.
Adriana enters next to me, throwing her shopping bags behind her. I do the same.
"He's already found someone?" I wheeze painfully.
She looks at me sadly, and hugs me.
I just cry into her sweater.
"Oh, Y/N." Adriana sighs.
"It sucks." I say, looking at her.
"What?" She questions.
"Not being good enough."

Adriana hugs me, and we sit in her car for a long time.
Until I hear tapping on the window.
I slowly look up, and see Elijah.
I look in the rearview mirror. My eyes are puffy, and my face is blotchy.
Elijah taps on the window again.
Adriana reaches over and pushes open the door for me.
"Get out, and talk to him." She motions.
I slowly get out of the car. I feel like I'm in slow motion.
He's standing there, with a sympathetic look on his face. He looks like a lost puppy.
And I want to slap him for it.
"What do you want?" I say bitterly.
"I'm not starting this. I want to talk."
"Go talk to your girlfriend." I spit at him.
He shakes his head. "My girlfriend?" He questions, looking confused.
"Yeah. That girl you were with in Starbucks." I pout.
"She's not my girlfriend. I've been friends with her since I was kid."
I feel a glimmer of hope form, but I quickly brush it away. I can't get my hopes up. I can't get excited.
But when he brushes the hair blowing in my face away, and out skin makes contact, I feel a blot of electricity, in the middle of this average, gloomy parking lot.
I bite my lip. "What would you like?" I say.
"You." He whispers.
My heart stops. ( wink wink) I feel like I'm floating. This is what I want. What I need.
"I'm scared, Elijah."
"Of what?"
"Of being hurt. Of losing you. Again. Of just grabbing happiness, and feeling loved, only for it to leave." I look down at my feet
"Y/N." he lifts my chin up, and I stare into his shimmering eyes. "I won't let that happen to you."
And he walks away from me, leaving me in awe and confused.
"What does this mean?" I yell across the parking lot.
He turns around. "It doesn't have to mean anything." He yells back, smiling.
I stamp my foot. "So, that didn't mean anything?" I sigh, annoyed.
He shrugs his shoulders.
"Why did I ever fall in love? Why don't I just jump off of a bridge? It hurts less." I yell at him.
He looks at me for a second.
I look at him.
And I run towards him, my hair blowing behind me, feeling a smile glow across my face.
I jump into his strong arms, and whisper in his ear. "What does this mean?" I ask again.
"It means that..."

Denis' POV

I take a deep breath, and knock on the maroon coloured door.
What are you doing here?
I think to myself. This is dumb. You're dumb. Just leave.
But before I can, Camila opens the door.
She looks shocked at first. "Denis?" She asks.
"Yeah." I mutter. "Uh, come in."
She opens the door, and throws her wavy, dark brown hair up in a bun. A pair of jogging pants are hanging off of her hips, and she has a black sweater on.
As I walk in, I take in my surroundings. Theirs family pictures hanging off of the wall, and a fireplace going.
There's a brown, maroon type colour scheme, and it's a really cozy house.
"Uh, sit down. My parents aren't home yet; but they will be soon."
We sit down on the couch.
"Listen, I don't need much, and I won't be here long." She nods. "But I need to know; why did you and Braden kiss?" I ask.
She nods her head again. "I figured you would want answers. And, you'll get them." She starts.
"Basically, Braden and I were talking. About everything. About Sub dying, all that bad stuff. I started to cry, and I think he felt bad. So... we kissed." She sighs. "Honestly, I don't know why. I didn't even realize it was happening when it did. And I know we don't like each other like that. We just felt bad." She looks away, shaking her head. "And I feel terrible. I can't believe that I did it. I never wanted to come on between you and Braden; Its just, things have been so hard without Sub, and..." She trails off, and I can see a tear slipping down her cheek. For some reason, i hug her.
"I never thought I would say this, but it's okay. I'm not mad." She laughs through her tears, and we break apart. "Thank you Denis. Are you guys still fighting?" I nod sadly. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I look up at her curiously. "Go and get him!"
I look at her curiously. "What should I do?" She smiles.
"Anything. I know he loves you, Dingo."
She grins. I nod. "Thanks, Camila!" And I run out of the door.

The car ride to Y/Ns house is long. I don't dare turn on the radio. I can barely breath. I'm too nervous.
Why are you nervous? I ask myself. This is your soulmate. Your loved one. You care about him. You laugh with him. You love him.
I become more confident as I get closer to Y/Ns.
Assuming he is still there.
When I reach Bradens, I jump out of the car, running to the door. I pick a flower on the way, and fix my hair, and burst into the room.
Alex is laying on the couch, and looks up in surprise when he sees me.
"Bradens upstairs." He says immediately. I chuckle and give him a nod.
I run upstairs like my life depends on it, and open the door to the guest room. I see Braden, back to me, laying on the bed.
I grin and go around to the other side of the bed, leaning down to be at eye level with him.
"Corky?" I run his back. He doesn't wake up.
"Corl? Cmon, I know you might be mad, but I'm sorry." I grip his shoulder, shaking him.
"Braden. I'm not joking." I shake him even harder.
But he won't wake up.

Authors Note!
Sorry this chapter was crappy 😭. But I appreciate the support and love you all!❤

MY HEART STOPS | SKETCH X READERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ