Chapter One~ Phantomhive Ball

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It was around 8:45pm on a Friday night when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. My butler, Light (Don't hate I love Death Note ;~;) came in and gave me a slice of cheesecake with strawberry sauce and and a strawberry on it. He also had hot chocolate with whipped cream and a candy cane. He came in handed me the tray and some mail. I noticed that one of the letters was from the Phantomhive manor, and so I opened it. "Well, what is it?" Light asked. "Ciel invited me to a ball at the manor." I responded. "I'll ask mother if I can go." I told him. I rushed out of the room and found my mother standing right outside my door. "A ball?" She questioned. "Yeah, I was gonna ask if I could go." Where is it located at?" I responded with "The Phantomhive manor." "Ciel is hosting a ball?" She said surprised. "Probably Lizzie is, Ciel doesn't really do that." I said. "Well I am good friends with Ciel, so I will let you go." Thank you do much mother!" I said as I squeezed her tightly. "Go eat your cake and put on nightwear." Mother commanded. I went back into my room and ate my cake and changed into a (E/C) shirt and (E/C) pants. I then went to bed so I wouldn't be tired in the morning.
The next morning, Light woke me at 8:00am, and gave me toast and eggs, with bacon at the side, and juice to drink. He told me that J better eat quickly, so I could get ready. I quickly ate my breakfast and Light took it away after I ate, and I went to go get dressed. I put on a white dress that had violet roses and I noticed the dress stood out with my eyes and hair. I had bright, violet eyes and long, bright violet hair.
I always hated my hair, it would grow 4-6 inches every month, and I want to cut it short, but I know it will grow back quickly. I brushed my hair, not hitting a single knot, and put my hair in a bun. I checked the clock and it said 7:00. The ball was going to start in 1 hour, so I put on my violet heels and went out the door to get to the stable.
I took the horse out of the stable named Kira, and rid her all the way down the Phantomhive manor. It takes 45 minutes, and by the time I got there, there was only 5 minutes until it started. I knocked on the door and Lizzie opened it and screamed (Y/N)!! "Lizzie calmed down" I told her, but she grabbed my wrist and brought me into the house. I was then greeted by Ciel and the other servants.
The music started and Lizzie started spinning me around. "Lizzie your so energetic." I told her and she said "I know!!" And after like 30 seconds of being spinner by Lizzie I heard a gunshot upstairs. I ran upstairs and found a man dead on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding his head and a man with a gun pointed at the guy he just killed head. The man then pointed the gun at me and was about to shoot when a man entered the room. This man had raven black hair, crimson eyes, he was tall, and wore a black tux. He caught the bullet in his fingers?!?!? I looked into his crimson eyes and he looked into my ugly purple ones. I started to blush a little and I looked away. The last thing I remember is that I was punched really hard and I blacked out.
I woke up laying on a bed with that guy with the raven hair and crimson eyes sitting right next to me. I pulled the covers over my head and he giggled. I pulled the covers off and started blushing a bright pink.
"Oh uh h-hi" I said nervously. "Why am I here?" "You blacked out" the crimson eye guy responded. "Do you mind if we keep you here for a while?" I responded with "No, I don't" and he said "Well my name is Sebastian, pleasure meeting you." He smiles and I said "I am (Y/N) pleasure to meet you too, Sebastian." Ciel came through the door "Oh, you woke up?" He said. "Yeahhhh, I still don't don't know what happened, but hi Ciel." He Responded with "Hello, you blacked out and I'm not exactly sure why, I wasn't in the room at the time." I said "Okay." And lay there confused. Ciel ordered Sebastian to go make me some food and so Sebastian went and made me food, and came back some time later he came back with some food. Ciel left the room to go do some work, and Sebastian served me the food. I wouldn't eat a bite of it, and after 6 minutes, he whispered to me "Eat your food, kitten." I blushed for the fact he called me 'kitten.' He giggled and I started to eat. I really wasn't hungry, but I was confused on why he called me kitten. When I was done, he went to go and put my dish away and he came back with a dress. He told me "Here, put this on, and meet me in Ciel's study." "Okay." I responded, and when Sebastian left the room I put on the dress, and noticed it was really short, it only went to my mid thighs. I just ignored it and let down my hair and quickly brushed it. I then went to the young master's study.

~End Of Chapter One~

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