Part Two

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When Louis woke up he couldn't remember shit. He had worst hangover possible. He groaned softly letting his head hit his bed... Yet that wasn't what Louis head laid on. His eyes snapped open and he looked at the cuffs around his wrists. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Please be a dream, he thought, but when he opened his eyes they were still there. That's when panic struck him. He tugged on the cuffs a bit hoping they would pop off as some sick prank. The cuffs were starting to grind against the flesh of his wrist, as he continued to tug at them. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, but what else could he do.

He tried to calm himself looking around. Brick wall was all around him. A huge dresser was to the left of him painted blood red, along with a rope hanging from the ceiling next to it. He looked down at himself noticing he was stark naked. Biting the inside of his cheek he let the tears flow down his cheeks. This only happens to people in freaky movies, this is all fake, he chanted in his head. Yet this wasn't at all. Louis was trapped down here, and he wasn't going anywhere.


Upstairs he grabbed a few of essentials. Plugs, gags, whips, collar, leash, and a vibrators. He wanted to have fun with this one, and not just kill him. Well he didn't want to kill him just yet, anyways. Walking down to the basement, he stopped and unlocked the locks.

Louis head snapped up when he heard a creaking sound coming from the door. His breath hitched a bit when he seen who walked in.

Green Eyes.

He walked in more with a bag in his hand. Louis could feel his breathing increase with fear. He'd only seen this man once, so why was he here. He watched closely has the man took his jacket off, laying it on the counter. He pulled out a chair from the back of the dresser, setting it right in front of Louis. He took a seat and gave him a wicked smiled. "Hello Louis. It's about time you're awake. I was beginning to worry that I killed you without having fun first."

Louis eyes went wide at what he'd just said. "How.. How do you know name!? where am I?!" He shouted at the man. He knew he'd seen him before, but he wasn't sure where. His hangover was killing him.

"Think you idiot. You asked for it."

Louis was, well in a sense, wasted. He had way to much to drink, and now he was on the dance floor grinding on some random guy. Something told him this was a bad idea, but he couldn't care less. The alcohol was rushing through his veins, and the music was the adrenaline.

Looking around, he seen nothing but blur. He giggled and continued to grind on the person that was behind him. He felt the mans large hand wrap around his slim waist, squeezing it a bit harsh. "You might want to stop." The voice said. Louis recognized the voice, but couldn't place it yet. He turned around meeting blazing green eyes.

"That was you at the party!" Louis screamed, thrashing his chains a bit. The man smiled wickedly at him, loving the way he was looking so desperate.

"Of course it was pet. Now continue. It's about to get good." He winked at Louis smiling devilishly.

"Yeah, but your friend likes it." Louis slurred seductively. He pushed back a bit, smirking when he groaned.

Louis felt his hands tighten on his waist, and whimpered in pleasure. Louis had a kink for being manhandled, and it wasn't a big secret to the men he'd been with.

The man began to suck harshly on Louis' skin, leaving purple makes all over his neck. He dragged Louis to a small corner, and pressed his palm on Louis twitching dick. "If you come, I will punish you."

Louis moaned loudly, "Yes sir."

[A/N: I'M SORRY!! DON'T HATE ME! I have been very busy planning, and junk. I promise to pay more attention now!!! I know this sucks, but it's actually been sitting here just waiting for me to upload. I added minimal, but I promise to finish this soon!!! It has I think four or five more chapters. Anyways, I love you all. I do! Au revoir mon amies!]

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