"I went to start a life of my own. I called myself a new name, I got my own job, my own house in the backwoods of town where my nearest neighbor was lengthy walk away. I didn't think of marriage or children. All I thought about was how much my father hated me, how much I wanted to prove to him that I didn't need him."

            "But then you became a vampire," I croaked out.

            William glanced over at me. "Yes, I got involved with the wrong people after falling into debt. I was beaten in an alley on the way home from a pub I visited frequently when things went awry at work. Little did I know that one of the men was a vampire, and he bit me."

            I hugged my knees to my chest, my thirst only an echo at the moment. "Who gave you their blood?"

            "There's a question that I'm not sure about the answer." William sighed. "I woke up in my own bed realizing that something was happening. I thought it was the plague or the devil or something, but never me becoming a vampire. I killed my neighbors without much thought. Then Bernard and Jacqueline came to me."

            From the tone of his voice, I could sense that there was more to the story. Something he refused to tell me. But I didn't push.

            He turned back to look at me. "The message I'm trying to get across here is that we aren't defined by the names our parents call us. They have no control of us once they make the choice to not be a part of our lives anymore. Both of us, we became vampires for the better. We were given a second chance."

            He stood up, bringing me along with him. "Now, let's see what meat we can possibly find at this time of night."


            We were walking back to the cabin after having my thirst finally quenched when a question came to my mind.

            "Did you ever see your father again?"

            William almost stopped, staring straight ahead, his lips turned down in a frown. "After Bernard and Jacqueline took me in, I went to back to see my father. He had died month before. A couple of days after my transition, actually. I've never gone questioning it though. Part of me believes it was for the good. He wasn't a decent man, not even in the slightest. But at the same time, he was still my father, no matter how much he tried to forget it."

            We arrived at the cabin, and I could already tell something was wrong by the fact that the front door was open and that voices were screaming at each other inside.

            "I knew we should have never trusted you!" Angelina screeched at Hansen.

            "How was I supposed to know the girl would run as soon as she opened her eyes?" Hansen said back, his voice rocky but not as aggressive as Angelina's.

            William and I stepped through the threshold. Val and Chris were still in the corner, but their attention was now on the scene before them. Luke was awake and standing next to Jane who had her arms crossed and lips pursed. Victor tried holding Angelina back who stood with Hansen in the middle of the room all where the town all but swung punches.

            "What happened?" William asked Angelina.

            Angelina nodded her head towards Hansen. "Ask the idiot."

            That's when I noticed that the room was missing a body. Liv was no long passed out on the couch undergoing her transition from human to monster.

            I stood in front of Hansen in less than a second with my fingers clutching his shirt collar. "What happened?" I hissed in his face. "Where Liv?"

            "She woke up," Angelina answered from behind me. "And she ran."

            I shoved Hansen to the floor and my voice rose. "You were supposed to be keeping an eye on her! You're the one who changed her! You're her bond! How the hell did you let her go?"

            Hansen stared up at me with those broody blue eyes. "The same way your precious William did. She just left."

            I wanted to rip his throat out, tear his head off, something. But before I could do any sort of damage, someone knocked.

            It was pointless, I knew. With the door still standing wide open. We all looked around right at it where Derek stood dressed his all black attire with a questioning look on his face.

            "Let me guess," he said, walking inside. "Newborn went missing?" 

Diary of An Unnatural (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now