11. Words

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Wednesday 30th November 1966

The last couple of days have been terrible. I hardly ever got out of bed. Micky would spend so much time with me trying to cheer me up with his impersonations. Which did make me laugh.

I was watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it to see Joseph. "You're right. I was overreacting. Sorry for yelling at you the other day. Can you forgive me?" He said nervously. He looked like he was genuinely sorry. "I guess so" I said quietly. Joseph smiled. "Would you like to join me for lunch?" He asked. "Ok" I answered. "Also, Brian and Marilyn are gonna be there. Marilyn wants to talk to you" he added. "Oh" I said nervously. "Don't worry about a thing" he reassured me. I got dressed and left a note for Micky.

We arrived at a small cafe near Capitol Records. We walked in and saw Brian and Marilyn sitting at the table. We walked over to the table and sat down. "Hey Betty, I'm so sorry for hitting you that night at the restaurant" Marilyn apologised. I was in shock. She actually said sorry and it seems she means it. "That's alright" I said. "I hope we can be friends" I added. I really hated having enemies. "Yes we can" she answered back. I smiled. We had lunch and talked for some time. I had a good time.

Micky's POV

I walked into the apartment with the other Monkees. And saw a note on the table. It read I'm having lunch with Joseph, Brian and Marilyn. I'll be back soon. Love Betty xoxo. "Hey guys, Betty's out. Maybe we should start practising that song I wrote for her" I said. "Yeah that's a good idea" Peter agreed. We started practicing the song.

About 2 hours later Betty, Joseph, Brian and Marilyn walked in. "Oh hey guys" Betty said. "Hey let's put some music on" Marilyn said walking towards the record player.

Betty's POV

We put some music on and danced and we sang as well. It was a lot of fun and I was having a great time. I haven't been this happy for a while. "Betty, sing us a song" Davy said with a big grin. "Yeah come on!" Everyone cheered. "Ok, this is one of my favourite songs that was released in 1988." I said as I grabbed my guitar. I started singing Love & Mercy by Brian Wilson.

I was sittin' in a crummy movie
With my hands on my chin
All the violence that occurs
Seems like we never win

Love and mercy, that's what you need tonight
So love and mercy to you and your friends tonight

I was lying in my room
And the news came on TV
A lotta people out there hurtin'
And it really scares me

Love and mercy, that's what you need tonight
Love and mercy to you and your friends tonight

I was standing in a bar
And watching all the people there
Oh, the loneliness in this world
Well it's just not fair

Hey, love and mercy, that's what we need tonight
So love and mercy to you and your friends tonight
Love and mercy, that's what you need tonight
Love and mercy tonight
Love and mercy tonight

Everybody clapped and cheered. "Wow Betty. Why didn't you tell us you could sing? You have a voice of an angel" said Brian. "Thank you. I guess I never thought I could sing" I said looking down at my guitar.

Micky's POV

I couldn't get over how beautiful she sings. Brian's right, she really does sound like an angel. I love her so much. I can't wait until I can sing the song I wrote for her. I do hope she likes it.

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