“I cannot believe that this was all so easy! You’re a genius, thank you!” she smiled happily as she was almost done with one subject. It was midnight now and the moon was full and its light fell in her room illuminating the marble sitting near her window with its beautiful rays. The wind was warm but soothing and the sound of leaves swaying entered her ears. She walked up to the window and looked through its large glass as the sea waves flew across with force. It was probably a high tide time then and the waves came crashing towards the shore and then going back again. She smiled seeing how calm and soothing the climate was.

“Aren’t you sleepy?” Ronnie asked from where he was sitting. She jumped a little on hearing his voice and faced him, surprised to still find him there.

“I thought you left!” she voiced her surprise. He stretched his hands up in the air and got up. He walked towards the window without answering her and looked out through the glass. Kathy sat on the marble sitting of the window and looked back at the sea.

“You love nature, don’t you?” he said after a while. Kathy looked at him with a smile.

“I love nature when it’s all calm, serene and romantic. I always dreamt of living in a sea facing house! Just look outside, it’s so peaceful.” She replied and looked back at the sea.

“Want to go for a walk?” he asked her.

“I’d love to!” she replied with a huge smile on her face.

“Let’s go!” he said, pulling her up. She holds him tightly as she balanced herself and then looked at him.

“I’ll just grab my cardigan!” she breathed and then walked towards her wardrobe. She pulled out a grey color cardigan and wore it on her black and white striped T-back. She then got into her sneakers and walked out of her room.

“Let’s go!” she chirped as she grabbed her phone and house keys. They got into the elevator and then out of their apartment in silence. Both of them relaxed and breathed in the fresh air as they walked together. It was calming and comfortable.

“So…” Kathy began, as she couldn’t stay quiet for a long time. He scrunched his brows as he looked at her.

“So?” he asked her, not knowing what she was talking about.

“Do you love nature too?” she asked him as she rubbed her hands and brought them closer to her mouth, warming them a bit.

“I hardly had time or energy to notice all this!” he replied but added, almost like an afterthought- “but I can get used to such walks. It is kind of therapeutic.” Kathy nodded smiling.

“Did you always go for walks like this you know, before our marriage?” he asked her.

“My dad took us on a drive after dinner and treated us with an ice-cream every night. I started going out with my friends as I grew up, though that was occasional.” She replied.

“Did you go out with him?” he asked her hesitating.

“Him?” confusion crossed her features but it cleared as realization took over the confusion. “Yeah, we went for walks when we were a couple!” she replied as she began thinking about those days. It seemed like those days were so far away now. Ronnie glanced at her and found her lost in her thoughts. He wondered what went inside that head and he cleared his throat, demanding her attention.

“So how long did you date him?” he asked her awkwardly.

“For a few months but I never had feelings for him at that time.” She told him truthfully. Strange thing was that she did not dwell on those memories any longer.

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