Dropping my jacket onto his desk chair, I tip toe over to his bed, sitting gingerly on the end as to not wake him up suddenly. The last time I accidentally woke him up I ended up flat on my face on the floor with a pair of his dirty underwear shoved under my nose. That is one experience I would rather not repeat thank you.

“Thane,” I poke his bare back, swallowing when sparks shoot up my arm at the contact. That always happened whenever I touched either Thane or Adrian, it wasn't anything new but it was still unsettling. They have been like the brothers I never had-or wanted-and I did not even want to think about the why of the tingles I got whenever our skin came into contact. Or the fact that I drooled over them both when they were shirtless. Which considering we have practically lived together since we were in diapers is a lot.

“Thane, wake up.” Leaning forward I brush his curly blond hair back away from his face, the breath catching in my throat when my green eyes met his blue ones. The crystal clear blue and the smirk on his face had my heart thundering in my chest, the pound of my blood rushing through my veins echoing in my ears. “Hi.”

He smiled a gentle curve of his lips that left me breathless. As always. “Hey, there. You come to tell me who you pick?” He asked, sitting up in the bed. The blankets he had wrapped around his hips slid lower, giving me a perfect view of the muscles of his lower abdomen.

I shake my head. “I'm not picking, Thane. It’s not fair that the two of you put me in the middle of whatever argument you're having.” They wouldn't even tell me what they were arguing about!

Thane scowled at me, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “So what you're taking Adrian's side? And here I thought we were close, Livy.”

“I'm not taking anyone's side! You both just need to grow up and get over it, whatever it is. I want nothing to do with it.” Stubbornly he crossed his arms over his chest and I groan. “Nothing, do you hear me? And I swear to God if the two of you keep trying to make me choose I'm going to just forget the both of you.”

“You're beautiful, do you know that?” He muttered out of the blue, brushing his fingertips across my cheek.

I blink, a blush forming on my cheeks. “You think I'm pretty?” Shock colored my tone but what surprised me more was Thane's reaction to my question.

His blue eyes narrowed and he stood, the blankets falling into a pile around his feet. Anger replaced the blank expression he had had moments before and I stumbled away from his bed when he walked around the bottom end.

“Th-Thane?” My voice came out low and husky, the nervousness I felt reflecting in its trembling as he stalked towards me slowly. For every step backwards I took Thane countered it with one forward, forcing me back until the corner of his dresser hit my back.

“Did you not hear what I said, Olivia? I don't think you're pretty, I know you're gorgeous.” His hands cupped my cheeks, tilting my head up and back when I refused to look him in the eye. The look in his eyes made me feel funny had an odd ache building in the pit of my stomach and I didn't know why. Okay, I knew why, but I didn't really know what to think of it. “So does Adrian, Liv, that's why we're arguing-”

“Pretending to argue.” My head snapped towards the doorway at the sound of Adrian's dark voice, my mouth going dry at the sight of his bare chest. Thane's hand skimmed down my side, settling on my thigh just under the frayed hem of my shorts and he lifted my leg, hooking it around his hip.

“You were pretending to fight?” My mind was clouded, I could not think straight with the way they were looking at me, let alone have it in me to be angry with them. Thane thrust his hips against mine, the steel hard erection beneath his jeans grinding into my core. A moan whispered past my lips as my head tipped back on my shoulders, hands gripping his forearms as the ache grew.

Thane nodded when he buried his head in my neck. “We needed to be sure you loved us both equally, that you wouldn't choose one over the other.” His teeth scraped across the tendons in my neck, hands moving to my hips as he lifted me onto the dresser behind me.

“But-” I gasp when he moves his hand, fingertips brushing teasingly across the crotch of my shorts. Dear Lord, what was he doing to me? Thane undid the snap of my shorts, pealing the zipper down slowly and all the while, my eyes stayed locked with Adrian’s. Their breathing was just as harsh as mine, bodies tense and every one of Thane's movements were controlled, cautious. “But, why?”

I could not make sense of much other than Thane's hand slipping into my open shorts, fingers dipping slowly past the band of my panties before moving back and brushing forward again only to pull back as he moved his hand up to rest directly beneath one of my breasts under my shirt.

His mouth moved up my neck, teeth biting down on my ear lobe as I struggled to keep my eyes open and focused on Adrian in the doorway. “You've heard the rumors, Livy. Do you really think those girls all came up with the same lie?”

“You said they weren't true.” They had both looked me dead in the eye when I had confronted them about the rumors that they shared their girlfriends and said it wasn't true. They always told me everything... or so I’d thought.

Adrian nodded, his expression curiously composed when Thane extracted himself from my hold. “How would you have reacted before? You were so disgusted by the very thought when you first heard the rumors, can you blame us for not telling you the truth?”

Damn it, why did he have to be so freaking logical? The first time I had heard the rumors from one of the girls at the college I’d been sickened but the longer I thought about it, the more I envisioned being sandwiched between them in the most carnal way the more intrigued I was.

The very first wet dream I ever had had starred the two people I'd always considered brothers. How screwed up was that?

“You know the truth now, Olivia.” Thane's voice was grave, the cool mask he always wore back in place.

“There's just one question, Liv.” Adrian started but they both finished the statement in that odd way they always had.

“Can you handle it?” I swallowed, lips parting soundlessly. Could I?

My Two Best Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें