The tale of Jordyn Jacobson

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Chapter 1

Hi my name is Jordyn I'm 11 years old and I go to Armani J Angelo middle school. I play softball. And I love it. It's soooo much fun. Here's a little bit more about me. Well for starters I'm a mermaid. What you say. Sorry lets try that again ill rephrase that. I'm a mermaid. Ok well that didn't really make sense hears the story

Chapter 2

well I also like swimming last summer I joined the swimming team. That's where I met my best friend. I live in California. I moved two summers ago from Hawaii.There was a big Valcano erupting,we had to move fast. Any way,I was sitting at the edge of pool when coach David came to me and said " Jordyn,this is California not Alaska,you can go in the water. Now I know that was kinda funny but my mom made me sign up for this. Normally you couldn't even pay me to do this kinda stuff. I hate and I mean absolutely HATE swimming but something happened to me that day. I was excited to swim. I wanted to jump right in never get out so I did I swear stayed in there for minutes. Then, my legs started to tingle. A lot. Weird feeling actually, so weird the next thing I knew I was in the emergency room.

Chapter 3

All I could see (when I woke up obviously) was drs everywhere I was so scared and I didn't know what to do. My mom said I was in a comma for days. I woke up in water but I don't know how. Coach David said that nothing ever happened to me. I saw one flick, just a little a splash. Coral briar. My soon to be best friend. Even though we've never met, I could swear I've known her my whole Intire life. Coral Briar Coral Briar Coral Briar. I kept saying it over in my head like I knew It from somewhere. Turns out I did

Chapter 4

She came up to me and said "hi,I'm Coral" "will you be my friend? I have none at all" of corse I said yes that's the day it all started

Chapter 5

It was few weeks after in swim class when I decided to tell her my secret. I went up to her and said "coral , I'm a ......... a...a mermaid" "what" she said excitedly "please don't tell anyone " I begged she promised and then told me the same. We were best friends from the start and that was the start

Chapter 6

That day I jumped off a bridge because I just ... Well I guess I thought I could do anything. Well I was wrong. Back in the emergency room I was. Seems like that summer I was there 80% of the time. But no matter where I was coral was always there right with me.

Chapter 7

I finally met my father,Jaxin Jacobson he was a mermaid to he never met me but it seemed like he didn't like me either. I don't even know why. I mean if I knew then I could change that to make him happy, but instead he just keeps me in suspense

Chapter 8

We moved on a boat and he died a few weeks later I wasn't really that sad because I didn't exactaly know him that well. My mom was acting really weird like talking strange like a robot. I hate my mean mother. Jasmine Jacobson. Then she died but I happy because she's so mean. Then there was me, left all alone in this world. For some reason Coral started hating me. A lot.

Chapter 9

Three weeks she was gone and know one knew what happened to her. Her mother was still around. But she wasn't. I realised that I hated her too and I don't why. But I just did.

Chapter 10

Somehow I was in the emergency room. And that's all my story. The story of Jordyn Jacobson. The end

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