Chapter 4

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Brianna's POV
Today is my first day being ross' assistant/girlfriend and truthfully I'm really really nervous. I mean he kinda has this adorable nickname for me "Brianna banana'  lol I kinda think it's funny. I've been waiting for about an hour now and he just pulled up! Ttyl!

Ross:(opens the door for her) hey gorgeous (gets in kissing her cheek)

Brianna:Hey! Where are we going?

Ross:Just to a fancy restaurant then we can go to one of those movie screenings that they play outside.

Brianna:Yay! I can't wait. Oh yeah I'm kinda sleeping over at my friend Kaylee's house tonight

Ross:oh okay I'll bring you to your house so you can get your stuff and then i can drop you off there if you'd like

Brianna: thanks. I actually have to pick up my friend Alyssa cause' she's coming with me to Kaylee's

Ross:Oh Alright (smiles)

-2 hours later-

Brianna:(laughing at one of ross' funny jokes) that's funny (calms down and drinks water)

Ross:(smiles) I'm just happy I Have not only a great life but a great girlfriend (holds her hand and kisses it)

Brianna:(blushes) you're so sweet thank you.

-after dinner at the movie screening-

Ross&Brianna:(cuddled on a blanket in the grass watching 'The Notebook')

-After the movie-

Ross:(picking up Alyssa and then dropping Brianna & Alyssa off at Kaylee's) have fun Brianna see you tomorrow

Brianna:Bye thanks for tonight (smiles and goes into Kaylee's house with Alyssa)

Brianna Alyssa & Kaylee all have fun and listen to R5. Brianna told them about going with Ross out to dinner and they all fan girl being the best friends that they are and hey have lots of fun all together

Hi guys! This book is special for a great friend of mine Brianna! _briannaa25_ go follow her and read her amazing books! I'm so lucky to have her in my life she means a lot to me and I'm very very excited to meet her very soon! This book and all the chapters are dedicated to her because she loves Ross. And she is one of the most beautiful amazing friends I've ever had:) love ya Brianna!

Anyway have a great night/day! Hope everything goes well!

Again go follow Brianna and read her books she's amazing I love her so much and she's one of the bestest friends I've ever had!

I'll update soon!


God Bless You All


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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