The Wait

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The next two weeks were the longest of our lives as Anita and I wondered about the decision the judges would take. Every day we would scan our phones for the long-awaited texts - "You've been selected." Meanwhile, university life kicked in. I was having a blast in my journalism courses, as well as my history electives, while Anita vehemently pursued top place in her chemistry class. Needless to say, she was also working on a different kind of chemistry with one, Nathan, who, in my opinion, would be next in a long line of bad decisions. I would see her less, but was not phased by that, as I tend to be somewhat of a loner sometimes. She was always there, when I needed her, however, that would be, for the occasional dorm party, hall fete, or whatever other kind of social event they would throw in between lessons, that would make me look pathetic attending solo.

The friends I made were few and superficial. I mean, I needed to focus. My scholarship depended on it, and my reputation, even more so.

In the meantime, I tried out for various other clubs and societies, as the prospects o me getting a callback were beginning to look really dim. The deadline for callbacks would be in two days and I still had heard nothing. Meanwhile, I explored my other talents - dancing, painting and a little drama. It couldn't hurt, and the projects put on by these clubs were kind of intriguing.

A knock on my dorm door startled me. It could only be one person. I mean, I didn't have a visiting relationship with anyone else on the campus. I opened to Anita's smiling face.

"Look who remembered me!" I thought you would be out someplace with what's-his-face?"

"Look, Elora. I know you may not be happy with my choices of guy-friends, but he's kinda cool. You should go out and meet someone yourself. It might get your nose outta them books."

"Yea, yea. I'm quite okay. Come inside, midget! So, any text yet?"

"Girl, I'm not even thinking about that anymore. They must have called those they want already. I think we should move on."

"The deadline is in two days. They may still call us. Listen, I really want to do this. This is my favourite talent!"

We both chuckled.

"Let's grab a snack, Elora. We need to catch up."

"Sure let me grab my bag. To the Burger House! Haven't had one of those in ages!"

The line was mercifully short. We found our way to the back of the room with burgers on trays, smiles on faces, chatting about this and that. As we were about to sit, I noticed a familiar pair of thick brows shading unbelievable hazel-grayish orbs. My instant reaction was to seek out another sitting area. It would be too nerve-wracking to be so close to such distraction, plus reminder of the painful waiting period. Now how do I suggest that without nosey Anita picking up on something. I shrugged and decided it was acting time.

"So, tell me all about this Nathan. Must be some guy! I hardly ever see you around anymore. You know, one time I used to have to shove you physically out of my space. Now, I'm afraid I might only be existing as a memory in your life." I feigned a sob.

"Elora, Elora, you will never get rid of me. You are my eternal bestie."

"Well, that's a new title."

"Yea, I mean, boyfriends come and go. But you, you're forever!" That last part was said with all dramatics, wide eyes, opening hands, etc.

"So, what's the deal. What's wrong with this one? No use beating around the bush. She knew how I felt. You know, you need to get settled, and maybe one day even marry.At this, my friend choked on her soda.

" I don't know about that. I'm not as fortunate as you to have perfect examples before me. I mean, my dad, bless his soul, was the worst of his kind." Nathan, there is something deep about him, despite his rough exterior. I am determined to unravel it."

"I wish you luck, dear". At this I glanced over at Hazel and saw him high five one of his friends, a wide grin across his face. His face looked so perfect from this angle. I wonder if...

"Penny for your thoughts, Elora. What are you staring at?" She flipped her head around i the direction of my stare and was about to comment when the sound of a beep startled the table.

"You've been selected" she screamed out! We high-fived each other and clapped like little girls in the presence of Christmas gifts. Being a part of the famed Braeton University Chorale would definitely be life-changing, and take us places in life. Though I welcomed the interruption as it distracted Anita from the present topic, I couldn't help feeling a tad bit envious of her luck. This is something I really wanted, and would have to wait an entire year to re-audition for a chance to get in. I sighed as I glanced to who might have been the source of my not getting a callback. He was still laughing with his friends, but I couldn't help but detect a hint of sadness behind the smile - a little being lost-and-alone in the midst of the crowd. My mind wandered over the possible reasons for this sadness, while happy-go-lucky texted Nathan and a million other persons about the news.

"Beep, beep" went the sound of my message notification. Anita and I both stopped and stared at each other. Time stood still as I nervously opened to the text. "You've - been - selected." My screams were deafening, as I jumped out of the seat, accidentally knocking over my soda. Another scream went out as cold liquid poured down Anita's frilly, thin blouse.

"Oh my! I'm sooo sorry." We both frantically grabbed napkins and tried to undo the damage, while noticing several pairs of eyes soaking up the drama, including, you guessed it ... hazel-gray ones.

And for a second time, I was embarrased alongside my midget friend, in front of not just a crowd, but one particularly intriguing, majestic creature.


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