Chapter 1 - Haylor

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Translated version posted on January 19, 2014. 


"Taylor, I'm really sorry. But did you hear all that reactions? And I just think we are not made for each other. Christmas and New Year were amazing with you and you are awesome, but I can't hold our relationship serious. I'm serious sorry." Harry said through the phone. I'm quiet. Harry is a few years younger than me. He is also famous, just like me. And Harry and I had an amazing December, Christmas, New Years eve... And now, 6 days later, it's a break up... "But what happened in these days that caused this way of thinking? I thought that the opinions of our fans didn't bother you..." I say. Usual I never did difficult when a boy broke up with me, or I broke with him. I Knew You Were Trouble, that was it mostly. But... maybe it wasn't always their fault. Maybe it was yet mine? But no matter how much I was thinking, I never could find out what the problem exactly was. "I'm sorry, Taylor. It's just over." Harry says and then the line is broken. My mobile is bleeping and slowly I bring my hand to the red phone. As soon as I stopped the full call I let fall my mobile and I fall into my pillows. I feel so depressed. I had be in this kind of situations more times than only now but I never felt this bad! Why could I neer have a great and long relationship? Didn't they like they way I treated others? The way I treated my fans? No, that couldn't be the reason... Harry gave the same quantity to his fans as I did to mine. I begin crying. There came new lyrics and new melodies in my head. I feel ready to write a new album, but something hold me from staying up and taking my guitar. I didn't like to do anything. I tried to think from the mind of my previous boyfriends. They never talked bad to me about my songs, which I mostly wrote with the experiences I had with people. I serious thought I found my prince... Harry said that he thought the same. And then he broke up. I didn't get it anymore. What did I wrong? I feel like a worthless women who got dumped straight away after the first date. Maybe I had to think better and longer. Don't giving up and not going to get seduced by my guitar, which always made me want to write new songs. As soon as I got inspiration. I thought that 2013 would be my lucky year. Was Harry my prince? Or will I find my prince this year? As far as I remember 13 brought me always more luck than bad. I take my pencil and draw the 13. This time not on my hand. No, not this time. It came on my shoulder. It would not get noticed and maybe it will give me more luck than the 13 always did. I lay down in my bed and stare to the last text Harry sent to me. 

--> Harry <3

"Dear Taylor. I have to talk with you... x Harry"

that was in it. That was the text message that caused that Harry could break up in a kind way. I already was glad he didn't break up via text. That would kill me even more! But now we are broke up, I have to leave the music world for a while.  Just living as a normal girl, like I did before I played guitar and sang. Before I got known as singer songwriter. I'm sure that that would be the best choice. I had to leave just for a while. Time and space, so I could think. I text my manager that I wanted to leave for a while. He got me and asked never for the reason. After the text I lay back in my pillows and fell asleep; this time WITH a broken heart.

Hi guys!

Sorry this chapter isn't pretty long, but I translated this from my Dutch version (I'm actually Dutch so... Lol :) ) and that is the reason why it is so short, because that one was short too and if I changed this chapter, I should change the whole story pretty much and I don't have the time to do that... 

Notwithstanding of that, I hope you guys enjoyed of this first chapter. Sorry that my English is pretty bad, but I try my best! Without many translationsites, because I'm sure of it that my English skills are a lot better than that Internet ones :P 

So, comment? Vote? Or maybe also fan... It isn't a must but I would really like it! It would also be amazing if you comment tips and compliments, but tips will help me the most with writing. Anduhm, don't forget to click at the VOTE button. I mean, he want a hug and you can give it to him! 

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