Chapter Twenty-Five;

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"It brings me comfort to know that you have found Kenna a husband."

"It relieves me to know that Kenna's news was only false and that there will be no questioning of her child's legitimacy."

"Yes, well there is that too," Bash placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them up and down her arms. "When will the wedding take place?"

"As soon as the prince arrives, the wedding festivities shall begin."

"And is there any concern as to why our marriage was annulled?"

Alaina turned her head so that she could look up at him, "I informed the prince that the marriage was made when the late King of France had gone mad and that you both have tried to make it work, but you have an eye for an empress."

"Oh, how could you make me sound so vile? To cast my wife aside for another?" Despite his words, he still smiled at her.

"I had to make her tale sound as tragic as possible, he was considering the Queen of England."

"Oh, won't that anger Elizabeth?"

Alaina huffed her response, "As if I care what riles that woman, she shouldn't have jeopardized her alliance with me."

"My dear Alaina, be careful with angering Elizabeth. It is because of her you keep your hold on the protestant people. It is a miracle she hasn't already rallied them for another campaign, one against your head."

"She'd be a fool to do so," Alaina admitted. "I have more catholic followers than there are protestants. It'd be a pointless bloodshed, besides, why involve the people when it is her I am mad at?"

"Because that is how rulers are, you should know this."

"I do," she sighed, "I just thought Elizabeth to be different."

"Majesty, the Duke of Beck wishes for an audience."

"Oh, Henry? I heard he was back at court, yes send him in."

Henry entered her chambers, still as handsome as ever, but it seemed taking full rein of a country did its toll.

"Your grace," Alaina closed the distance between them where she pulled him into a warm embrace. "I've missed having you by my side."

The Duke chuckled as they pulled apart. "And I you, majesty," he held her at arms length to look her over. "You look almost as you once did when you first came to Denmark."

"Oh, I look younger, you say?" She playfully slapped his arm. "Enough flattery, your grace, what brought you to French court?"

"Did you really think you could arrange a marriage between my younger brother and your former lady and I not attend their wedding?"

"You're marrying Kenna to his brother?"

"Well, you see I thought there wouldn't be enough time and with her past, well the prince did not mind."

"So they know?"

"Hard not to when I was at court when it happened," Henry said.

"Fredrick was the only one I could think of that was still young and quite handsome, and he did not guarantee her the option of being queen."

"I have boys, you see," Alaina smacked him again, this time not in a playful way.

"I see, and does Kenna know that her husband is aware of this all?"

"As a matter of fact," Kenna entered the room smiling, "I am. Alaina wouldn't just marry me off to some prince without first consulting me, her reputation would be at stake, Bash. And she wanted me close since Lizzie will be leaving France when the two of you do."

"Lizzie is quite fond of Kenna," Alaina added. "I prefer her over Jane."

"Very well, but I wish you hadn't lied to me."

"I know," she smiled and placed her hand on his arm, "but sometimes it's quite enjoyable to have a bit of fun with you."

"So if Henry is here, does that mean that Fredrick is too?" Kenna clasped her hands together as she peered around Henry's large frame with a hopeful smile.

"He is," beamed Henry, "as is my wife."

"Ugh," Alaina didn't bother to hide her disgust.

"Is something wrong with Henry's wife?"

"Alaina and Katherine have never been able to see eye to eye," said Henry with a smirk. "It's a bit like how she was with Mary, but she actually despises my wife."

"She tried to claim her younger three as his when they were the spawns from her affairs."

"She's an adulterer? I don't see why she and Kenna won't get along just fine, then."


"I am just being honest, Kenna," he smiled.

"Yes, well there is that tiny little detail, which, I overlook because the people of Denmark love her and that she also believes Alaina and I are lovers."

"I can't ever imagine what would spark that idea," Alaina turned to Bash, she could hear the sarcasm in his tone.

"Well I can, you two are awfully close. And from what I observed while Henry would visit, I too would assume that you both once had been lovers. "

"Henry and I have a complicated history, but we were never lovers. Flirted, perhaps, but lovers? He wishes."

"I do, such a shame you will be married soon."

"Yes, such."

"I think Bash is just jealous, never was one to take a joke."

"I can take a joke, but when it involves my wife -future wife- it is a little different."

"I can understand it," Alaina linked her arm with his. "You don't really have the best luck with women. You wife nearly left you for another king and proceeded to have an affair with a general. Oh, and then there was Mary leaving you to go back to Francis."

"How do you know that?"

"Are you really questioning that? After all these years of knowing me and who I am close to?"

"You're right," he peered into her eyes. "It just took me by surprise, is all."

"Right, shall we go meet my husband?"

Updated A/N(3/19/2017): I was doing a bit of research for The Bastard King and I found out that Fredrick was indeed the name of the King of Denmark's son and that he was indeed considering Elizabeth I of England. Funny how that works out. 

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