Chapter 2

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A muffled noise wakes me up. I open my eyes only to see darkness.

Oh my gosh am I blind now?!

Then I remember stupidly that I hid under my blankets last night trying to feel any sense of safety after my nightmare. I throw the covers off of my body as I search for the source of the noise that woke me up.

"ERIN, WAKE UP!" My older brother shouts.

What's got him in such a frenzy, gosh.

"Alright, alright! I'm up, Blake!" I scream back.

I wait for a few seconds, making sure that he went downstairs. I open my door and hurry to the bathroom.

Wouldn't want Blake seeing me in just a t-shirt and underwear again like last week, now would we? I sigh. The downsides of living with your brother.

I look in the mirror and see dark bags under my eyes. However, I am no longer surprised with my reflection. Ever since 2 years ago I hardly get any sleep, thanks to my reoccurring nightmares about....him. Not wanting to think about it any longer, I hurriedly jump in the shower.


Jumping off of the bottom step of the stairs I see my brother cooking breakfast for the two of us.

I walk into the kitchen sighing dreamily as I see that he is cooking pancakes.

"Hey bro, what's the special occasion?" I ask.

He turns around and grins, "Am I not allowed to cook breakfast for my little sis out of the goodness of my heart?"

"Nope, so why are you being so nice?" I ask suspiciously.

He mumbles something under his breath. "Come eat and I'll tell you when you're done" he mutters.

"Alright!" I agree happily.


As I finish the last bite of my chocolate chip pancakes Blake clears his throat.

"So um...the thing is...Mom has requested for us to come visit her."

I gasp. No longer able to breath.

"ERIN!" Blake shakes me.

"No." Is the last thing I say before I faint.


Note: I know that there hasn't been much happening yet, but this was more of a filler chapter. You will get to see some of her backstory in the next chap and then it will make more sense. Alrighty, thanks for reading lovelies! Have a great day! Au Revoir! <3

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