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Olivia :age:15 sex:female .olivia has short curly brownish blond hair with pircing blue eyes .she usually would wear a tee shirt ,hoodie, converse ,and skinny jeans .her dad is the doctor and her mum is doctor river friends:amy, Rory ,the doctor , Giana greenale,and Connor koss.

The Doctor :come on you wouldn't be reading this book if you didn't know him

Doctor River Song :same as the doctor's fact file

Giana greenale :age:15 sex:female .Giana has long straight black hair with green eyes .Giana usually would were a tank top and a skirt with high heels Giana is an orphan friends:olivia and Connor koss

Connor koss:age :15 sex:male .Connor has shaggy blond hair with brown eyes and glasses .Connor usually would wear a long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans with converse .no one knows if Connor has parents friends :olivia ,rory,and Giana greenale

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