The Letter

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Daenerys is still grieving over her late husband, Khal Drogo. She's a fool for trusting the witch and now she lost her beloved husband and their son because of it. She brush her tears while packing some of her things before she and her khalassar will leave from Vaes Dothrak. She's folding some of her clothes when a paper fell on the ground. Out of curiosity, she pick it up to read it.

To the moon of my life, Daenerys Stormborn,

I don't know what the meaning of love is until I met you. I was a heartless and merciless Khal, I raid villages, killed men and fuck a lot of women. When I was in Vaes Dothrak, I saw my fellow Khals with their wives and I feel jealous about it so I decided to settle down and look for the most exotic woman to be my wife and khaleesi of my khalasar.

I was inside my tent drinking wine, when my blood riders came to me. They told me about a silver-haired lady in Pentos who is living under the roof of Illyrio. I didn't waste time when I heard about it. I immediately ordered my servant to ready the horse for me. I rode my horse and went down all the way to Pentos with my blood riders to see you.

I'm the great Khal Drogo who has never been defeated in any combat or battle, but when I saw you I already knew that I was defeated by the exquisite beauty of yours and my heart is already fell in love with you. When you came forward and looked up on me I saw a glint of fear in that violet eyes of yours. I can't blame you if you feel afraid towards me because you are a delicate and sweet woman while I'm a big rough man.

When our wedding day comes, you seems like you are not comfortable with the Dothraki practice. I knew it because I was secretly looking at you and adoring you at the same time. I gave you a white horse as a present for you and you are saying words that I can't understand but by the looks of you I know that you are delighted. When I was able to claim you, you are talking to me with a language that I cannot understand and all I can say is the word 'no'. I know that you are frightened because you were crying that time. I want to tell you that it will be alright but I don't know how to tell it on the words that you can understand. I was so happy when I finally claimed you because you are now mine but I was also sad at the same time because your heart is not yet mine.

My heart beats fast like a thousand horses galloping in the great grass sea as you held my face and told me that you want to see my face as we made love together and it seems that you are giving me a chance to make a way to enter into your heart. I became the luckiest man when finally you already fell in love with me and I became the luckiest Khal who ever lived when you told me that you are carrying our little prince in your womb.

You do know moon of my life that I will kill every man who will try to hurt you and our child. I will kill every man who tries to insults you. I will do anything to please you and to see your bright smile on your rosy lips. I will give anything you want just to see the happiness in your violet eyes. I will protect you and our stallion who will mount the world.

I did promise you and my son to take my khalasar to the west and ride the wooden horses across the black salt water. I vow to the Mother of Mountains that I will give you the Iron throne and the Seven Kingdoms. I vow to kill the men with the iron stones and tear down their stone houses and let the stars as my witness but I'm afraid Daenerys, moon of my life that your Sun and Stars can't fulfill this anymore.

I will be at your side watching you from afar together with our son. Rhaego and I will be waiting for you no matter what. Until the sun sets rises on  the west and sets in the east, until the river runs dry and the mountains blown by winds like leaves, we will be together again. I will pray to the Great Stallion to guide you until the right time comes that you will be here on our side. This undying love for you will never ends and will never fade away Daenerys moon of my life.

                                                                                                            Your Sun and Stars,

                                                                                                                          Khal Drogo

Daenerys cried when she finished reading it. She taught Drogo how to speak and write the common language of Westeros. She smiled a bit while looking at his handwriting. It was horrible but she knew that Drogo made this even if it's difficult just to please her.

"Until the sun sets rises on the west and sets in the east, until the river runs dry and the mountains blown by winds like leaves, we will be together again My Sun and Stars..."  She whispered into thin air.

Drogo's lettter to Daenerys TargaryenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant