Heart Shaped Ring

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Nodame looked at me as she not believes her eyes. I open the velvet red box. She hold her breath same as me. She saw the heart shaped ring same as her necklace.

"Chiaki Senpai?" She said stuttering. I held her hand and tried to put the ring in her ring finger. It's only fit halfway, she cringes, I tried harder. Now gone the romantic on the occasion because it seems I hurt her.

"Itai! Senpai its hurt" She pouted massaging her finger.

"It's must be fit, let me try again." I said still trying to fit the ring into her finger. She reluctantly hold her hand position while reposition myself.

"Nodame must be gain weight, Senpai." She finally said in agony. I stopped trying, it must be. I remember when I secretly measure her ring finger when she slept last month.

"How can you gain a lot of weight in just a month Nodame? I said irritated my plans not working. She looked down to my feet.

"I'm so happy with senpai, so I eat a lot." She said murmuring. I looked at the ring sigh heavily and put it back to the box and when I tried to put the box to my pocket she shout at me.

"NO!! Let me hold it, Senpai want to gives the ring to me right, so let me hold it." She said while take the box from me.

"Nodame, let me return it to the store, so they can give you the right size" I try to reassure her. She looked at me disbelieves.

"NO WAY, this is my ring, Senpai cannot take it again from Nodame." She said hurtful

"BAKA! I'm not taking it from you I just want exchange it to you size now." I said it impatiently tried to get the box from her hand. She refuses and put the box in her bag. I tried to take it from her bag but she moves her body fast so I just grasp air.

"NO, Nodame will go on diet" She said confidently. I roll my eyes, Nodame, on diet? Maybe, tomorrow the earth going to stop turning. But when I see her determined, I tried to play along.

"Okay, I'll give you 2weeks. You may try your diet." She smile brightly, so happy makes me feel happy too. She abruptly hugged me warmly then kissed me on my lips. Silly girl, why is she so happy that I give her permission for dieting, nobody I know love to dieting. Her kiss suddenly makes me forget what I trying to do in the first place.

"Mukya, Nodame so happy!" She said loudly.

"Nodame, Stopped hugging me." I said trying to let go. She still clinging on me, big smiled plastered on her face. Everyone start to look at us hearing her scream. We are in the middle of the park in Jardin des Tuileries, sitting near the grand basin. Her chair tilted on weird way and of course like always happen to her, she fell.

"Gyabooo" She said gravely. I looked at her in my own chair, how can I in love with this silly girl, I still cannot understand myself. What I know that I never can live without her every single day.

Day 1

"Nodame must diet. Sorry senpai even you're cooking is delicious I can't eat after 7pm." She said firmly. I just finished cooking Orange Chicken with cream fettuccine for two. I can see her nostrils moving. She gulping and drink her Ocha.

"I asked Kiyora, she said Ocha is good for dieting" She said again looking at her cup trying avoiding my gaze on her. I simply just move near her put the plates on the table, started to eat. I'm starving, due my next concert, I skipped lunch. She looks at me angrily. She pouted.

"How can you eat, while Nodame dieting." She said annoyed. I don't say a word just continuing enjoying my meal. She drinks her Ocha furiously. Suddenly I hear voice from her stomach. She vastly put her hand in her belly. She must be so hungry, she looked down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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