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So I don't know about you all but I go to this nice school with lots of people. I hate how here is like absolutely no diversity. There are like three kids that aren't white. But if this just my school?

  So school has been a little rough. Recently I have lost some of my friends and it really hurts I was close with all of them and now they are gone. When I think about it I want to cry. Does anyone have any advice?

Any BVB fans? P!ATD, PTV, get scared, Block B, BTS? All my bands hahahah. Just kidding I like a ton of those type bands.

Any Dan and Phil watchers? Or Liza koshy or superwoman or any other people like that? I love love love Liza Koshy. She is amazing. 😃😃😃

Also I will take questions that people want answered but all CLEAN questions. (;

Thank you so much and I'll update again soon >3

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