Chapter 21 - Danger

Start from the beginning

We both dug in. I was pretty impressed with Will’s cooking. I was savouring this moment; a moment where Will felt as close to a human being as possible. But of course my curious mind had to ruin that, “Will, how have the fang wounds on my neck healed so quickly?” I questioned, stuffing my face full of food at the same time. He looked up at me whilst also stuffing his. He took a moment to think about the answer.

“You know that toxin I was telling you about? As it’s injected after piercing the skin, some of it is automatically absorbed by the cells around the wound, causing it to heal much faster than normal. Your scars will be gone within a few days.” He told me, relief washing over me at the thought that I wouldn’t have to bear the memory on my skin of the night I was bitten by a rouge vampire, one of which was merely trying to get back at the man I had a massive crush on.

We didn’t talk much more during breakfast, and after we’d finished Will took the plates to the sink to be washed. I let him clean up as I made my way into the lounge room and turned the TV on, sinking into the soft, comfortable couch. It was a little bit rood not offering to help, but I was still just so exhausted.

Will followed in not long after me, taking the seat next to me. We were watching some silly sitcoms for a bit, before I looked over at him for a moment. I hesitated for a split second, but then decided what the hell, so I snuggled right up to him on the couch wrapping my arms around his waist. I think he was slightly shocked at my spontaneity, but pretty quickly returned the embrace, also wrapping his arms around me. I let out a sigh of relief, and relaxed into him even more, resting my head on his chest. This felt so right, so comfortable, so at home, and it reminded me of the first night I’d snuggled up to him on my couch, the week that I’d met him.

“Will, can I ask you something?” I said, pulling my head from his chest to look up into his eyes. He just looked back down at me, throwing me an adorable heart-warming smile, triggering those silly butterflies. “What if you’re caught protecting a witch, like you have been these past few days? How can that be any better than kissing one?” I think my question caught not only him but also myself by surprise. But I desperately wanted to be closer to him, and I found the tension between us hard to handle at times. I just wanted to know the truth in hope that it may help break down some of the barriers that he had been putting up in between us.

Will just continued to stare down at me, looking in between my lips and my eyes, not deciding where to land them. His hand had made its way up from around me, to gently brush the hair that framed my face behind my ear. He was playing with the piece of hair quite softly, now solely focussing on it, as if trying to distract himself and buy some more time before having to answer my question.

His eyes then drifted to mine “It’s just as bad Miranda. But that’s not the point. It’s just that, well, as much as I hate thinking about it, it will be much easier to say goodbye once all of this blows over. Miranda I don’t want to hurt you. You know that we can never be together. It wouldn’t be fair on either of us if we did allow ourselves to give in, it will hurt even more than it needs to when we have to say goodbye.”

His answer somewhat shocked me. It sent a heart-wrenching pain all the way through my stomach. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Will. I didn’t care if we were forbidden to be together, I didn’t care if I’d get hurt. I just wanted to be close to him. I was so incredibly attracted to him and as far as I was concerned it was already too late. I was already falling for him and no matter what was going to happen I knew that if I had to lose him right then I would still be tremendously damaged by it. But I didn’t care right then. I thought that it would make much more sense to make the most of the intimate time that we did actually have together, as if it were our last. I would deal with being hurt later on. To me that was worth the pleasure I’d get from being close to him now.

Dangerous Vibes - Book I of the Dangerous Series [WATTY AWARDS 2012 FINALIST]Where stories live. Discover now