Part 1

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Hospitalized. This was already the third time this month. Not that it was anything new. Burns, bruises and cuts kept appearing on Kyousuke's body. He had expected Yuuichi to be angry, but he was just worried. His soulmate had cost him his legs and he was slowly getting able to walk again.

He's probably worried i'll end up the same. Or even worse. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Yuuichi's worried face. He tried to smile but everything hurt. "Luckily some other students were close. If they hadn't called the ambulance I'm not sure he would've made it..." A nurse was talking to his brother but Yuuichi only had eyes for him.

"Kyousuke! Thank the gods you're awake! How are you feeling?" His throat hurt but Kyousuke managed to speak. "...Everything ...hurts.. What.. happened..?" Yuuichi sighed. "You suddenly started screaming in pain and fell down. Some students called an ambulance which brought you here. They think it was your soulmate. What else could possibly explain all these burns? Your back looks like hell again."

Kyousuke closed his eyes. What horrible conditions did his soulmate live in to get this badly injured? And why so often? He had these injuries suddenly appearing ever since he was a kid. He suddenly remembered something he was told long ago. "If your soulmate dies, you will feel incredible loss. There are few who survive that loss."  A chill went down his spine. I have to find them. I have to find my soulmate and save them before it's too late. At this rate we'll both die.

After a few weeks he could finally go home again. The worst injuries had healed and Yuuichi could walk with only a cane. While they walked home Kyousuke told Yuuichi about his plan. "I'm going to save my soulmate. If this continues we'll both die." Much to his surprise, Yuuichi didn't even try to stop him. "You're right. Alright, I'll help. Do you have any idea where they could possibly be?" Together they made a plan and a few days later Kyousuke had packed his bags. Before he knew it he was in an airplane, ready to start his big search.

Not long after they had taken off they flew right into a storm. The airplane started shaking and Kyousuke woke up from his nap. What was happening? "This is your pilot speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a crash landing." Kyousuke got worried. Crash landing?  That didn't sound good at all. He quickly did as the pilot asked and hoped for the best. Soon the shaking got worse and the lights started flickering. Kyousuke felt his fear grow. He didn't want to die yet! The last thing he heard before everything faded to black were screams all around him. I'm sorry, Yuuichi...

When he opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was the grass he was lying on. The next thing was pain. He groaned. His entire body hurt. He tried to sit up but the pain was too much. He grabbed his side and his eyes grew wide when he noticed that he had been pierced by a huge fragment of debris. He looked around and almost screamed. The sight of the crashed airplane was horrible. He tried to move his legs and when he noticed he couldn't he tried to look why.

Kyousuke froze. A dead body was draped over his legs. Kyousuke quickly pushed it off his legs and tried not to spill his lunch. His entire body was covered in blood, half of it wasn't even his blood. He tried to remove the debris from his side but he almost fainted. His vision got blurry and he thought he saw someone walking through the debris. He shook his head. It couldn't be. But when he looked again the person was still there. "Hey, over here!" Upon hearing his voice the other walked towards him. "A survivor..?" When the other came closer Kyousuke saw it was just a kid. "Who are you?" The kid smiled. "My name is Shuu."

"...Shuu?" He felt light in his head. Had he lost too much blood? "Oi, hang on!" The kid kneeled next to him. Kyousuke tried to ask him where he came from but he felt his consciousness fading.

When he opened his eyes again he was blinded by light. A ray of sunshine came through the tree branches above him and shined down on him. He lifted his arm to block out the sun and took a look around. He was lying between some small statues, underneath a tree. He tried to sit up so he could see his surroundings better but he immediately fell down again with a pained sound. His entire body hurt but his side hurt the most. He saw the fragment was gone and someone had treated the wound. He heard footsteps coming towards him and was a bit surprised when he saw it was Shuu. "You're finally awake! How are you feeling?"

Kyousuke groaned. "Like I'm dying." Shuu smiled and checked his bandages. "No wonder. It's a miracle you survived." Someone huffed and Kyousuke quickly turned his head to see who it was. A guy with white hair was leaning against a tree. "You should have just let him die. No need to go that far for a stranger."

Shuu looked up. "Are you okay, walking around like that? You should be lying down and rest! I know you're strong but it's a dangerous wound." The white haired guy turned his head. "Tsk, Do you even know who you're talking to? I can handle a wound like this." Shuu clearly wasn't impressed. "Says the guy who could barely sit up just an hour ago." The other guy got a bit red and walked away. "Pfft, whatever."

Shuu sighed. "He's so reckless sometimes." Kyousuke raised an eyebrow. "..Who was that?" Shuu put on his smile again. "His name is Hakuryuu, he lives on this island as well. He was the one that saw your plane crashing." Kyousuke thought about it. "How did he get injured?" Shuu stood up and touched one of the statues. "Well, that's the strange thing. Neither of us knows. Suddenly he just.. Fell down with a huge hole in his side. Almost like- " Shuu froze and slowly turned around, his eyes wide open like he was in shock. "Almost like a piece of debris pierced him. ...Like what happened to you... But it can't be! You're both guys!" It took him a good five seconds to figure out what Shuu meant. When he finally realized his eyes widened as well. "Oh gods. There's no other explanation for this. Well, I guess my search is over then. I've found my soulmate." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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