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Ian was nervous when walked home from work the next day. He was glad that nobody was downstairs who could see him coming home and try to talk to him about his day. Or what he was planning to do with the rest of it. He heard Debbie upstairs talking to Franny. Fiona was probably working at the diner, Liam sleeping, Lip at college and Carl god knows where. Relieved he went upstairs, undressed and got into the shower. When he was done he went to his room, entering it as quietly as possible to not wake Liam up. As he had suspected, Carl's bed was empty.

Going through his clothes he finally went for a plaid button down and dark jeans. He got dressed and stepped out of the room as Debbie came out of hers. "Hey" she said, examining him "Where are you going? Caleb?" Ian looked at her surprised. "Fiona didn't tell you?"

"Didn't tell me what?"

"Caleb's over."

"Really?" Now his sister was the one surprised "Sorry to hear that."

"Don't be" Ian murmured.

"So where are you going then?"

"Just out with some guys from work" Ian lied because he knew she wouldn't let him go if she knew where he was really going.

"Okay have fun then" Debbie said.

"Thanks. Is Fiona at Patsy's?"

She nodded. They went downstairs, Ian took his meds and then grabbed his jacket. The thick one this time. "Bye Debs" he said as he went outside and she closed the door behind him.

It was almost 10pm when he got to the apartment building, so he was sure Mandy was working. He headed towards the door and was about to ring when he saw it was open. He entered the house and made his way upstairs. The whole complex was old and and a little shabby but Ian knew that Mandy liked her new place. He reached the floor which contained her apartment and rang the doorbell.

As he had suspected no one opened. Ian rang the bell again. And again. And again. And again.

He stood there for half an hour, ringing and waiting until he heard a noise behind the door. And then it opened. Mickey looked at him. Stared at him. And Ian stared back. He was wearing the black sweater again. But Ian barely noticed that because he was just staring at Mickey's face. Ian had known that Terry had beat his son. Ian had known he would see injuries. But he wasn't prepared for what he actually saw. Mickey's right eye was black and blue and swollen so he could barely see through it. The rest of his face was covered in bruises and cuts slowly healing. The worst was the look in his eyes. The light blue was gone. They were dark now, filled with a mix of feelings, standing out pain. Ian's heart sunk.

"Hey" he said with an insecure voice "Can I come in?"

Mickey didn't reply just stepped aside and let him in before he closed the door. Ian walked in the middle of the room, trying to control his breath. Then he turned around and faced Mickey again. He had an undefinable expression on his face and looked at Ian waiting for him to say something.

"I just want to tell you..." he said, his voice sounding weak as he spoke loaded with emotions he was trying to hide "that I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. And I know this is not enough but I can't do anything else but say sorry."

"You could go fuck yourself." Mickey still had the same expression.

They just looked at each other without saying anything until Mickey pointed towards the door. Ian slowly walked outside as Mickey held it open but right before he could shut it, he turned around.

"Wait!" he said and in Mickey's eyes appeared something that could be hope.

"You wouldn't have let me in if I couldn't say anything right."

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