Dangerous Snacks

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Anxiety lingered behind the others.

Thomas was making another video and Prince had invited himself to be a part of it. Everyone else was gathered at the back of Thomas' brain to see. Lounging on couches, beanbags, and blankets on the floor. Although everyone liked to watch the others; like Compliments, Teacher, or Dad, literally everyone would gather to watch Prince. (They even go all out on the theming of each snack at the snack table and have a dinner buffet at the end.)

Ever since Thomas first thought of Prince he's had fans that are human or an embodiment.

Anxiety glanced at the leather arm chair behind all the others that's reserved for him, and the gold and red plush seat right next to it. He knows how long this viewing can get, since Prince can talk a person's head off, and decides not to stay.

But he does go to the snack table before leaving. After looking at all the snacks shaped like swords, crowns, or stars, and the ice sculpture bust of Prince smack in the middle of it all, he finds regular shaped double chocolate cookies.

He grabs a few of those (like10) and a slice of mocha cake, placing it all on a plate.

After walking down a few halls, and taking the elevator down, he finally gets to his room and shuts the door.

No one but Anxiety has been in his room so there's always been a few rumours about what it must look like. Some of his favorites are that all the furniture are made of human bones, or that it's just black nothingness.

But sadly no. It's just a regular room with gray walls, a desk and computer along with a guitar, a bed with black sheets, a bookcase, a mirror, and web of worrying thoughts hanging in the corner.

The only real reason why no one else has been in here is that people are too scared to, know that Anxiety likes having space, and because the carpet is white and he doesn't want stains.

He grabs a book before sitting down on the bed, back propped up by the headboard, legs stretched in front, with his plate resting on his lap.

About 43 pages, 2 bites of cake, and 5 cookies in Anxiety starts to feel happy, too happy. An unnatural and unsettling happiness.

He puts the plate and book to the side and goes to the mirror. The black smudges under his eyes look fine, his hair is still messy, but nothing seems to-

A glimmer that escaped his parted lips.

With furrowed eyebrows Anxiety slowly opens his mouth and sees a smile shine stuck between his teeth. Stifling a scream of horror he pinches it with his fingers and tries to tug it out. No such luck.

Anxiety paces his room wondering what he's going to do. The shine in his teeth is embarrassing and messing with his dark and mysterious vibes.

He wants someone to help him get it out but the only person with shines in their teeth when they smile is Prince.

Taking a deep breath Anxiety peeks out his room checking that the hall is clear before sprinting to the elevator and to the viewing area.

He sees Prince laughing with the others and hurries over to him. He remembers to cover his mouth before saying,"I need to talk to you."

"Oh, okay. What is it tha-"

"Privately." He growls.

Prince rolls his eyes and follows Anxiety away from the party with an,"I'll be right back." and charming grin to the others.

Once they're a few hallways away he stops and turns facing Prince.

"Okay, Anxiety. What is so important to talk about that you had to take me away from my ice sculpture?"

Inhaling a deep breath through his nose and lowering his hand, Anxiety pulls a grimace to show Prince what's stuck in his teeth.

Prince bursts out cackling leaning on the wall for support and slapping his hand on it.

Anxiety glares at him waiting for his laughter to subside to a few giggles. "Wow, it looks" snort "so good on you."

"Shut up."

"Are you trying to steal my look?" He smiles. Lips trembling as they hold in another bout of laughs.


"How did it even get there?"

"I don't know."

"Well it had to have come from somewhere. What were you doing before-" it breaks off into a chuckle.

"I was just eating cookies when I started feeling happy."

"Oh nooo~" he says layering on the sarcasm,"You started feeling happy."

Anxiety rolled his eyes.

"Which cookies were they?"

"Double chocolate."

"Oh, those are the ones I made with Compliments-OH!"

"Oh what?"

"I remember losing a shine when I was smiling. I didn't think it went into the batter." He snorts.

"Just tell me how to get it out."

He smirks,"I don't know. I'm starting to get use to your new look."


"Alright, alright. Just go to Thomas's daily habits and get some floss."


He smiles back.

"This whole entire time I could have just flossed it out?"

"Yep. Or smiled until it weared out. I wouldn't have known anything about it."

A blush starts to burn behind Anxiety's neck and ears. He turns from Prince and stomps away.

"It was nice speaking with you, Anxiety~"

He starts speed walking.

"I hope you liked the cookies!"

When The Prince Met Anxiety (Prince x Anxiety)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu