Niall sick- for directioner3714

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You quickly grabbed his wrists, "stop that, you're so gross Nialler. I'll go grab the box from the kitchen if you'll let me switch the heater off. Just for like half an hour or so." 

"Cornflakes too?"

"You want cornflakes in bed?"
He nodded, putting in the one face he knew you couldn't say no to. "Cheeky." you chuckled, "fine. Deal."
You switched the heater off and went off to the kitchen.

Five minutes later when you returned Niall was laying across the floor, his cheeks squished into the carpet. For someone who was complaining about how cold it was, he wasn't wearing much.

"What the hell are you up to, little brother?" You questioned in amusement, kicking at his foot as you walked past to set the bowl of cereal down on the bedside cabinet. You chucked the tissues on the bed.

Then you noticed the heat that was being spat into the room. The switch had been turned back on.
"Oi, we had a deal." You turned the switch back off, "if you want tissues and cornflakes you've gotta say goodbye to the heater."

"I'm so cold! I'm sick, are you really going to make me freeze to death?" 

 You shook your held and hoisted him onto his bum with a firm grip on his shoulders, "you're not going to freeze to death, it's boiling hot in here I'm telling you. I feel like I'm in a sauna."

You pointed as Niall rubbed his nose, "alright, back to bed. Up you get." 

 He held his hand out expectantly and you chucked a tissue at him.
"I'm tired."

The bed was literally three steps away.
"Stop being a little kid Niall. You're fourteen, not four."

He whimpered a little, "I feel sick though. . ."

"Yeah, anyone would think you've caught a frickin plague by the way you're acting." You gestured to the bed again, "please Niall, you're too fat for me to carry."

"Please stop joking around," Niall whispered.

 You noticed that he'd started to shiver, his skin erupting into goosebumps and the hairs on his arms stood up. He really was cold, despite the raging temperature.
He looked up at you pleadingly with a lolling head and red eyes, "please can we turn the heater back on?"

"Sorry Nialler, you're already too hot," you said, a touch more sympathetic now. No more messing about. This cold had properly taken its toll on him by he looks of it and this miserable and snotty Niall wasn't in the mood for a verbal fight.

He let out a guttural grunt and pushed himself onto his feet, holding the tissue to his nose. His eyes watered and you instinctively held your arms out in case he fell as he stumbled over to his bed. He looked a lot less than steady on his feet and you weren't taking any chances. If your mum came home to see her baby Niall with a gash on his head or a something equally as bad you would be in trouble.

He burrowed into the pile of blankets, leaving his head to stick out. He glanced over at the bowl of cornflakes then rubbed his chin against the duvet on top before casting you a knowing look.

"You seriously don't think you can do it or do you just want a slave?" 

 Niall groaned and closed his eyes. You laughed as he pulled his hands out and grabbed the bowl before starting, shovelling a mouthful of soggy cornflakes into his gob.

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