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Well I'm actually nervous about going back to school
Here are the reasons
1. I will get put in the exact same class as last year
2. I will get put with people I hate
3. I will get put in the class that always acts up
4.  War amongst my  friends will break out.... Again
5. People are to normal
6. Normal people judge us Fangirls/boys
7. Normal people assume things about us Fangirls/boys
8. School work
9.  More war will break out against friends
10. Detention

Anyway question time
Has any one of you listened to
All the way it's like a Jacksepticeye remix. It's pretty cool

I have this song stuck in my head
Whenever I'm alooooone
Or if I'm feeling Greeeeyyyy
There's one place I can go to brighten up my DAAAAYYYY

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