What Happened

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STOP MESSING WITH ME BITCH" you yell at the top of your lungs.

when finally you see her and you catch a glimps of her face. a face you will remember forever, the face of darkness, a swirl of filth and all of the pain in the world. then all of the sudden she screams and vanishes forever.

"dean!!! are you okay?"

"thank you so much for everything y/n, I love you." then he passes out.

you can't believe your ears, its the one thing you have always wanted to hear him say. he just fucking said i love you! you are mixed with the terror of the black widows face, and the excitment of what dean just said to you. your world was spinning.

Sorry this is so fucking short, i got lazy. soon i will write a longer chapter. please comment! i love reading them!!!!

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