Chapter 1

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"Lily get up.", I hear a voice whisper in my head. "You must get up child.", it says more determined this time. I don't know who it is, yet their voice sounds familiar, like a long forgotten melody, that's been replay in the recess of your mind for years, and you're finally hearing it out loud.

"Lily, wake up!", the voice raises its tone, they sound anxious, worried even but why.

"Wake up!!", the voice shots vehemently, I jolt up in my bed to a sight I never expected to see. Red, hot flames danced along the window seals, climbing the silk curtains, then traipsing down the walls to swim across the floor. The room was filled with ash and smoke. The scorching flames seemed to be dancing around the room, teasing me, saying,

"You can't escape, we'll catch you, make you burn, there's nowhere you can hide." But at the same time they seemed to not be able to come any closer. I wanted to run from the room but the door was enfolded in a cloth of red and orange flames, licking up the door towards the blackened roof. I was trapped. I could hear the terror filled screams of the other girls, screaming for help only to get no reply. I tried to yell for help but no sound would come out, it was like someone had taken away my ability to speak.

The fire seemed to have gotten closer. Inching its way towards me. I was scared. The next thing I knew the red and orange tongues of flame were dancing just beneath the edge of my royal blue quilt. Waiting for the soft fabric to catch fire. Seconds passed, yet it felt like years, before the fabric could take the heat no longer and was finally caught by the flames trap, burning to ash. The fire continued its path of destruction, red talons crawling their way up my quilt, the bed post, the sheets. It was too late for me to run now. The sweat was dripping down my spine under my sweltering night shirt, the flames surrounded me on all sides. I couldn't move for fear of being burned, I was done for there was no escape.

Or so I thought, somehow the fire suddenly didn't feel as hot, instead it felt warm, like a thick quilt on a cold winter night. I had no idea of what happened. Then a voice, the same that had woken me from my sleep, started talking, yet I couldn't make out what it was saying at first, but I soon began to make out the words.

"Lily you must go, quickly my child, they're coming.", it sounded anxious and scared. I didn't know who the voice belonged to, or who was coming. I was scared and confused, I just wanted it all to end.

"Why should I run?", I tried to ask, I didn't expect a reply, I thought I was going crazy, but when I did get a reply I realized it was in my head.

"Lily, my sweet child, run, get away from here, this place is no longer safe, run, find Melody, she'll explain everything.", I was confused, scared, and I didn't know what to do. Who is coming? Whose Melody? Where is she? Why do I need to find her? But most importantly, who was the voice? Despite the flames around me I continued to sit there confused and scared on the bed not knowing what to do next.

Suddenly I heard a crash downstairs and a harsh voice order, "Find her, find the girl and bring her to me. NOW!" I didn't know who it was but they didn't sound nice. Then I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and the door to the bedroom next door open with a loud, "BANG!"

"Where is she?", they yelled, so loud the walls seem to shake. When the girls didn't answer the men became angered and I could see ash fall from the ceiling through the smoke.

"Where is Lillith Thorne?", they demanded. Me, they were looking for me, but why, I didn't even know them. I heard something unintelligible, and then one of the girls screamed and I heard something slam into the wall. Then the door opened and slammed shut. I didn't know what else to do so I decided I had no choice but to follow the mysterious voice's instructions. I jumped from the bed and bolted to the window, prying it open as quick as I could, I could hear footsteps getting closer to the door. I heard the door creak on its rusted hinges as it opened slightly. I took a breath and jumped right as something shiny went over my head. I heard a scream of frustration. I started to run as fast as I could towards the woods out front, once I reached them I kept running. I ran for as long as I could, without looking back. Without looking back at the burning ruins of my home, Mrs.Nights Home For Lost Girls, the only home I had known for the last fifteen years. I kept running.

My names Lilith (lily) Rose Thorne, and this is my story., One you'll never believe, but I assure you it's all true. This is my story of how I learned that the world we so proudly live in, is and always will be. More than meets the eyes.


Hello my lovely readers, Zoe here, I finally was able to get to the library to update, YAY!

Anyways I figurede out an update schedule that might work, I am going to try and update every other tuesday that way I have the time to write, edit, and type up all my chapters while still getting school work done. Anyways I would love some feedback on improvements I can make to the chapters.

P.S. I don't know if i said this already or not but anyways, all the stories on my account from this one on that are originals are all rough drafts of books I plan on writing in real life, so any and all advice or feedback is appreciated and taken into consideration for editting.

Have a great day dearies, Zoe out! XD


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