Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! I heard the scoreboard screech as yet another goal was scored by me. My team came rushing by to pat me on the back as we all headed to our side of the ice. There was 10 seconds left in the game and we were already winning 4-1, thanks to me. I don't mean to gloat or anything, but I am the best player on our team, and the only girl. As the ref dropped the puck I bolted down to the end awaiting the pass. When the puck had reached me, I noticed there were 2 seconds left on the board, so without hesitation I launched it at the net and as the buzzer sounded, I noticed it went in. I heard my team yelling and skating over to basically smother me. Anyways, after the game, we shook hands, and exited the ice.

"Man that was awesome. With 2 seconds left how is that even possible?!" Josh, one of my teammates yelled.

"I guess I have the magic touch." I laughed. I headed to the separate change room and was ready to get out of this stuff and go home. I have to change in a different change room that the boys; don't want anyone catching any glances. After I packed up my gear, I headed home and right to sleep.

Elijah's POV

I woke up from my slumber, dreading the cold hard fact that today was neither a Sunday or Saturday, and that I had to go to school. I got dressed into a blue T-shirt and black jeans and headed downstairs. When got downstairs I noticed my parents had already gone which meant another terrifying thing, I had to take the bus to school. Sometimes if they are still home I can sneak a ride in but other wise I'm stuck taking the crappy old bus. As I poured myself a bowl of cereal and started eating, I started mentally preparing myself for the chores I have to endure before school. First I started with feeding the animals while I kept a clothes pin over my nose when entering the dens. Then I checked for eggs in the chicken coop, and finished off with checking on the cows. Wiping a bead of sweat off my face, I reached into my pocket to check the time, 7:30. The bus leaves in 10 minutes! I practically sprinted back to the house where I quickly grabbed my bag and made the run to the bus stop. As the stop came into view, I noticed the bus was already there picking kids up. I picked up my feet and luckily made it just in time.

"Hey Eli." Gary, my one and only friend, said as I took a seat next to him.

"H, Hi" I panted out.

"Where were you last night I kept texting you to come over and play video games with me."

"Oh, I was at skating, sorry." Oh shit, I almost forgot, Sam was at hockey last night. I can't believe she winked at me. She can't possibly like me, was she teasing me? Should I face her today. I've always liked her. Yeah, that's what I'll do, today I'll actually talk to her.

As the bus screeched to a stop, I quickly stood up, eager to get off the bus and face my shyness. I passed through the front door, and started making my way to my locker, which was conveniently located near hers. I typed in my combo and put my backpack in and closed it up. Waiting for her to show up, I started texting Gary, telling him what happened last night.

Elijah- Gary pick up!

Gary- What?

Elijah- You know Sam Curtis.

Gary- You mean the hot girl at your school. Hell yeah.

Elijah- Dude, so I was at skating and she's a hockey player apparently and guess what. She winked at me.

Gary- Bullshit.

Elijah- I'm serious!

Gary- You're telling me that that hot, popular girl winked at you, a kid who hasn't even hit puberty yet?

Elijah- Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary- I'll believe it when I see it.

Elijah- Whatever.

I ended the conversation when I heard laughing coming down the hall, It was Sam's. I shot my head up from my phone and immediately sunk back into my locker when I noticed she was with like twelve other girls. What am I supposed to do now, I can't talk to her with all those girls around. As I was admitting defeat, I popped my head up one last time to see her smiling at me as she walked by.


When I walked through the doors of the Pembroke rink I was greeted by some skater moms handing me a program. Today was my interclub competition and I was feeling a little nervous. I don't do to well under pressure, but what can you do. I headed down to the one change room for Eganville and got mad when I noticed there was no boys change room. Compromise- I changed in the bathroom, great. Once I laced up my skates and got into my black pants and shirt, I checked the listings to see when I was performing my dance- The Baby Blues. It said I was on at about 1, but the competition was about an hour behind, so more like 2. Right now it was noon, so I guess I'll just have to watch the skaters for 2 hours.

After what felt like an eternity, It was finally my turn just after the last skaters finish. I started making my way to where we get on while the others got off. First we were given five minutes to warm up, so I took some of that time to scope out the competition. There was me, another girl from my team, three kids from Pembroke, and 1 kid from arnprior. I can tell from their jackets. As I finished my third time around, I heard the judges call us off the ice to start the competition. There were six of us, and three standings- Gold, Silver, and Bronze. So the way I looked at it, there was a 50/50 chance as long as we all did good. As the first two kids went by, I started going over the timing in my head as the music played, it helps me keep the beat. The first girl from Pembroke wasn't very good, which meant a better chance for me. The other girl, who was also from my team did alright, but still didn't have the timing spot on. Finally, it was my turn. I skated out to the starting point and was ready for the music. It was over in about 30 seconds, although it felt like 3. My coach told me that my legs could have been stretched out more, but I think I did alright. As the other kids went by, the last girl caught my eye. She had her timing perfect, and stretched her legs like they were sticks. She would probably get gold.

"Wow, that was so good." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over at who it was and noticed the girl from before talking to someone. It was Sam. Why is she here? The Pembroke girl is probably her friend. I'm not surprised, Sam probably has over 100 friends since she's so awesome.

"Elijah?" I heard her say. She actually knows my name. I started to cautiously walk over to her.

"I saw you skating, you were really good." She told me. Did she actually just compliment me?!

"Uh, thanks." I said nervously.

"Yeah you were great, I think you'll get a medal." The other girl said, not as enthusiastically.

"Are you kidding? Your getting the gold for sure." I said.

"We'll see." She said. I don't know why she was so unsure, she was better than everyone.

"This is Emma." Sam introduced us. We both said hi, a little awkwardly. She then whispered something to laugh, and laughed a tad maliciously and walked away.

"So, I didn't know you were a figure skater, that's cool." She said.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were a hockey player."

"I don't always tell people. They sometimes think it's weird."

"Yes! I'm the exact same." I said excitedly. I saw her smile sweetly.

"Well it's been really nice talking with you, but I should probably go catch up with my friend." She announced.

"Bye." She started to walk away but then stopped.

"Uh, I have a game tomorrow at 4 at the rink back home. It would be really nice to see you there." She said, then flipping her hair and strutting off.

Well, I've got my Sunday planned.

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