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Cory been acting strange. These past days he would be out of the apartment late, he doesn't act like him self and don't talk to me any more. Luna have been sad that she does not have any body to talk to. So I have been out walking during the night enjoying the night air. I can't go out of my human form. I am scared that other wolves would find me or if a human find me then they might try and kill me like how they killed my brother Luke.

I don't know if he is alive or dead. I haven't hared anything about him. Luna stop talking to me after that. I felt so depressed that he died. He protected me when I would be in danger from other alphas. He would hide my sent by covering it with his sent. I own him so much for all of the things he helped me with. But now that he is gone I can't pay him back. But I am by staying alive for him.

I continued my walk but I kept on getting this feeling that something have been watching me. I looked around me but see nothing. So I continue on. Until I heard growling behind me. I turned around and saw a white wolf. I was shock to see another white wolf. It or should I say he had baby blue eyes and was, has to be bigger then my wolf by a little bit.

"Hi boy, what are you doing here you aren't suppose to be here. Someone could kill you" I said to the wolf kneeling down to show I am not a threat. His eyes looked for miler to. He walked closer to my reach out hand. And nuzzle his head in my hand.

" see I am not going to hurt you". I said sitting on my knees petting the wolf.

" I call you delirious but del for short." I told him. He started to like purr. Until we heard a sound he turn around snarling at the sound. I stand up right, he curled his body around me. Protecting me from any thing that could hart me. Another snapping sound came again. It sounded like another animal, also smelled like another animal but another wolf. Del hair started to stand up, not happy bout the other wolf being near us and by telling how big and buff the wolf is it was an alpha for shore. I could tell from what pack he is from. He had your normal black fur and brown eyes. I don't know what was happening they were just looking into each other eyes so they must me mind linking t each other. So I a human being don't get scared that they could talk with a human voice. The black wolf stepped forward and Del did not like that so he snapped at him. Warning him to back off. I wanted to turn into my wolf form but I didn't want them to knowing who I was. That's my one rule is if I was I human form and other wolfs were around me then I don't turn into my wolf for any reason because two reason. One I could figured out that I am the white wolf and two I might be easily killed if any one was watching. So what do I do change or not change? I stayed in human form. But didn't stay I ran to some where I can not be seen to change into my wolf.

I ran back into a back yard and saw no one. I shifted and ran back seeing that both wolfs are gone.

' interesting both wolfs are gone .' Luna said interested in both of them.

' Ya that is true and they both did not leave a sent to them either,' I sniff around to see if I could get anything but came up empty.

'this is not good for both of us Luna it seems like they both are looking for us'. I said scared that they smelled my sent or they just came unsuspected.

'that could be true Cory's clothes been smelling more like us then him'. Luna said scared as well.

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