Untitled part

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Letty was stood staring at the engine of a nissan skyline in the garage that belonged to the Toretto's,

"Letty?" Tony said,

"hey, Tony whats up," she said,

"you know this is good timing," Letty was confused, "youve snuck into the garage, started checking out a car and theres a phone call for you in the office,"

"who is it?" she asked,

"find out, he said pointing into the office," Letty walked into the office and picked up the phone from the desk,

"Hello," she said slightly nervous,

"hey firecraker," It was Dom,

"what do you want?" she asked,

"you havent answered my letters in a few weeks whats going on?" he asked,

"oh you see i'm just a kid so i cant walk to the nearsent post box by myself because its to dangerous, Im not sure how to write or spell, how'd you spell your name again D O M, no wait thats not right its D I C K yeah i think thats right, and if i get to a post box i'm not sure how it works, sorry," she said with attitude,

"look about that, it came out the wrong way..." he started but she cut him off,

"how else was it meant to sound Dom, you said it, you meant it so what its not like you saying that has been on my mind, that iv cried myself to sleep, its not like i care because iv been in love with you since I was ten years old," not noticing what she had said she continued, "that I feel my heart has been torn out my chest, its not like you are the one iv always looked up to, cared abaout or anything, it meant nothing, you are absolutly nothing to me, just a guy from down the street and you just happen to be Mia's brother!" she said angrily,

"you... emm i gotta go times up see ya Let," he said quickly hanging up the phone, did she just say she loved him? Dom wondered off with the guard back to his cell. He sat and stared at the walls around him and began to think it was obvious he liked her just never to him, why did he never click on? because he always had someone else entertaining him in away a 12 year old couldn't. Dom sat and didn't move for a while, he just stared at the cell door.

"what's up Let?" Tony asked as Letty,

"nothing, i'm just gonna go home see you later Tony," Letty said as she quickly wondered out the garage. She slowed down as she began to walk back home, she thought about everything she screamed down the phone 10 minutes ago.

what was she to do? the one guy she always thought she could get close to broke her heart, she wasn't going to allow any man to get even slightly cloe to her again.


Weeks and months went by quite fast for Letty, she never had anything imparticular on her mind just little things. Suprisingly to her, Dom only came aross her mind maybe once a week even when she was in his house with Mia he didnt cross her at all in the slightest.

But, on the other side of things Dom couldn't get Letty out his head. She was on his mind day and night for a long, long time.

As the days went by, both Letty and Dom got stronger, more attractive and less caring towards things around them.

The time began to fly by, Dom hadn't heard from Letty and Letty hadn't heard from Dom. He tried not to care, but Dom knew as soon as he was out he needed to talk to her. about everything...

It was now 5 days until Dom returned, both of them feeling slightly nervous to see eachother. Neither knew what they were to say or what to do when they saw eachother. Letty looked at her calender and realised how soon it was until he came back, she stood and began to think but she wasnt letting her guard down for him. she had spent almost 3 years without taking notice of him she didnt need him now.

Dom strangly wanted to see how much the little girl had changed and changed she had. Letty was now a tall, muddy brown haired, brown eyed, tanned, young woman. She was one of a kind, she understood everything about cars and she was a very known street racer. Letty was ecxited for Dom to see the life she had made for herself without him, make him jealous for how well she was doing, she wanted to show him she wasnt just a kid. Letty Ortiz was going to show Dominic Toretto what she can do for herself.


Letty stood staring at her calander,

'twenty third of August' she whispered, 'Welcome home Dom' she said. Letty looked at herself in the mirror, she really did become quite the man pleaser but would she please Dom? not that she cared, she didnt mind what he thought. Apparently...

Dom watched as his cell door open,

'finally free Toretto' the officer said, 'keep out of trouble this time,'

'now we both know thats not gonna happen,' Dom replied making them both laugh.

Everyone stood in the Toretto's back garden awaiting Dom, food was set on the table and everyone was here the whole family. Even Letty was there. The roar of the car could be heard all the way down the street, he was home!



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