September 1st

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The morning of September 1st rolledover the hills, the sun waking Draco at an unnatural time.

He rolled over to wake his wife but found her gone. Dead. He thought. A few hours later Bella walked into his room smiling a little.

"Dad?" She asked. He looked at her. Her face was paler that normal and her eyes faintly red. "The train leaves in a few hours we have to go." She whispered.

"You're not going to Hogwarts this year. I will contact Professor Mcgonnigall and tell her that I will be home schooling you both." She frowned.


"Because the last time I was away from someone I love she died!" He stood up from the bed, yelling.

"Hogwarts is safer than anywhere! It's safer than here!" She yelled back. Both had their fists clenched and had identical scowls on their faces.

"You're not going and that's final!"

"Lily's going!"

"That's because she will have her father there!"

"And would you let me go if you were there too?"

"What?" He asked, calming down a bit.

"The Slytherin head of house retired last summer. We need a new one." He stopped scowling and looked hope full for a moment.

"Really?" He asked. Harry walked in, unnoticed.

"Yes. Mcgonigall asked me to ask you. She would be delighted to have you back. And you could keep an eye on Bella." He said. Draco nodded.

"Ok I'll come with you Harry and talk to Mcgonigall." He agreed and turned to a now very excited Bella. "And I suppose you can go back to school. BUT, don't think because I'm your father I will not nick points off your house young lady."

She did a little happy dance and ran down stairs. He smiled after her, noticing the sadness in his eyes, Harry put his hand on his shoulder, smiling a small smile.

But even with this. He missed her. She would be the one to convince him to let Bella go back to school. She was the one who kept him sane.

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