In thr game

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I told them the plan and it was Down.

That weekend was when we going go through with the plan. I was getting dress really sexy. so I can lure the guys and get them to let they guard down. August was sitting on my bed watching me. "you sure u wana do this?" August asked . I walk over and kiss his lips. "yes I'm
Sure." I asked giggling . I had on a thigh length black fitted dress I found in my mom closed and red slitettos. my hair was in big curls. I heard the doorbell and it was Taylor dress in her sexy outfit.

The crew came over and we all went over the plan.
We pulled to MLG chilled spot and they was having a house party. me and Taylor and Lauren walked in the party while the guys parked on the side.

Us girls walked in. dudes was watching and whistling at us. Lauren went over to the their leader and sat in his lap. Tay was flirting with they gun man. and I found him.. dereal

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