Bound to be Together

66 1 0

Mood: Shut Up and Dance


It had been a week since you discovered the ring. Nick hadn't made a move to propose yet, but you supposed that he was waiting for the perfect time. You began thinking about the first date you went on with Nick. He had picked you up from your apartment at 7:30 and took you to dinner at Olive Garden. Afterwards he took you minigolfing, which you had never done before.


"Yes!" you exclaimed as you made your sixth hole-in-one in a row.

"How are you so good at this!? You sure you've never played before?" Nick asked as he walked over to his ball to putt. "I haven't made a single hole-in-one all game!"

You shrugged, "Beginner's luck, and I'm 100% sure that I've never played before." Nick looked at you with skepticism in his eyes. "Just putt," you giggled. Nick tapped the ball and it stopped and inch short of the hole.

"What the hell!?" he exclaimed. "Minigolf should NOT be this hard!"

You just shrug again and giggle more, watching him tap the ball as soft as humanly possible. You noticed the ball stopping right at the edge of the cup, but it finally teetered and went in.

"Finally!" Nick celebrated.

"What was that...three? At least you made par." you marked on the scorecard and walked over to get your ball. Nick grabbed his and the two of you headed over to hole 9.

The game went on and you lost your hole-in-one streak at hole 12. Nick never made a single one. Finally, you two made it to hole 18, the final hole. You went first and hit the ball toward the windmill. It hit one of the blades and rolled all the way back to the start.

"Dammit," you muttered under your breath. Nick had a small smirk on his face because you finally knew how he felt.

Nick hit his ball through the hole, down the twisty track, and straight into the cup. Both of your mouths dropped open in amazement.

"Yes!" he squealed like a little girl. You started laughing and so did he.

"Wow, somebody's excited," you say. He nods his head vigorously.

It took you six more strokes to get the ball in the hole. You were proud of Nick for his hole-in-one, but you still won on account of all of yours.

After the game he took you out for ice cream. The two of you enjoyed your cones and he drove you home.

"This was really fun," he said

"Yeah," you responded.

"Wanna do it again sometime?" he asked nervously.

"I'd love to," you smiled and blushed slightly. Knowing that he was the one for you.

"I'll text you later about it. But for now, goodnight (Y/N)"

"'Night Nick." You watched him walk away then you entered your apartment.


Nick came home from the studio and gave you a peck on the cheek.

"Hey, babe," he whispered in your ear. "I have something to show you."

"Oooooo, what is it?" You asked as you wrapped your arms around his neck.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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