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 My name is Raksha Ever Child. I’m sixteen years old. Before we get started, let’s convert. For the idiots who don’t know what convert means, it means to have conversation. I have long sleek black hair that past my waist and my eyes are purple rimmed with blue. But sometime they change color according to my mood. I’m very short tempered and I don’t take anybody’s bullshit. I don’t lie (which is a total lie).If you ask me something I will tell you the truth. If you take it to heart and your feelings are hurt, I don’t care.

Now what was I going to tell you that is important. Oh yeah! This is a how to guide to know if-you-are-gonna-be-in-an-arranged-marrige-with-a-world-class-jackass:

1. Your parents send you to boarding school

2. The headmaster is a little too nice to you

3. Your roommate is a dude and is the headmaster’s son

4. You’re the only girl in the boy’s building

5. Your parents are friends with the headmaster

6. Your roommate is also a world-class manwhore

7. You have dinner with the headmaster’s family

8. You are falling in love with your roommate

Now that you know the 8 things that will happen, I hope you take it seriously. I’m warning you now, I had nobody to warn me but I’m warning you, if you see all these things happening I got one word for you. Run. I mean it run for your life and don’t ever look back. Make friends with a hobo with peanut butter on his big toe or a dude that ate all his pills because he thought they were candy. Your life will be more interesting.

My name is Raksha Ever Child and I approve this warning.

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