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Julia stepped onto the train and down the red carpeted hall. She had already said goodbye to her muggle mother and her wizard father. Her brown hair boned up and down as she swiftly searched for an empty compartment. Her skirt that her mother insisted she wore was so tight that it kept her legs together. She was almost waddling.

Finally she came to the last compartment with a young, freckled boy staring out the window. In his lap was a briefcase. Slowly Julia slid the compartment door open. The boy instantly turned to her. "C-could I sit here?" She asked nervously. The boy simply nodded and smiled slightly. She sat across from him as tried to look at anything but the boy. She didn't want to talk to him or attract his attention.

"What's your name?" The boy asked. Well that failed,  Julia thought. "Julia Jones, you?" The boy brushed his dirty blonde hair out of his face. "Newt Scamander." She smiled at him. She had to admit, it was a unique name. "What's your blood type?" She asked out of curiosity. Newt looked at her as if he were offended. Julia mentally slapped herself in the face. "Not that it matters. I'm a half blood." She smiled, trying to calm him down.

Newt smiled to Julia's relief. "My mother's a witch and I'm not sure about my father. I'm either half blood or pure blood." She felt bad for him for not knowing his own father. After that they sat in a comfortable silence. They didn't have anything else to say. Newt had bought Julia a chocolate frog since she had spent most of her money.

They had both changed into their robes as the train came to a stop. Newt grabbed his brief case and Julia grabbed her shoulder bag. They left the train together and sat in the same boat as they made their way to Hogwarts. They walked up a long set of cobblestone stairs and into a giant dining room with five separate tables. Two on each side and one at the front. They all stood at the front and waited for our names to be called.

"Julia Jones." She heard her name being called. She gulped and pushed her brown hair out of her eyes and walked up. She sat on the stool as the hat was placed on her head. A voice in her head started speaking to her. It kept thinking for a long time, at least it felt like a long time. After a minute the hat shouted "RAVENCLAW!" The hat was taken off her head. The Ravenclaw table erupted in cheers as she sat down and slid down next to an older Ravenclaw.

She watches the rest of the kids go up. Then Newt goes. He looks nervous. He slowly walks up towards to stool and sits. The hat is placed on his head and a few minutes later the hat calls out "HUFFLEPUFF!" Everyone on the Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers as Newt went to sit. He turned and looked at Julia, giving her an apologetic smile.

But nothing stopped them from becoming close. And nothing could separate them, not even time.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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