Part 2: Deep Cuts

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I followed Shaz's advice and went home. I didn't feel like being with people that day. I just sat in my room. It was 9 o'clock at night. My room was pitch black. I never understood why people didn't like darkness. It was beautiful. I had a text message from Kaci. She'd sent me a picture of her fresh cuts and asked me what happened today. I replied life. It was true. Then sent me a picture with her arm slashed. It looked pretty cool. I looked down at my tanned arms. They had similar cuts on them. They were raw red. I got my 'cutting' scissors and cut my arm. I did this repeatedly for a bit. I stopped. Blood was dripping down my arm. I think I cut too much. Then I took a picture of it and sent it to Kaci. She didn't reply. I guessed she was asleep. I stared at my blood. My parents had no idea. I sighed heavily and fell back on my bed. Being depressed is tiring. I fell asleep...

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