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Long ago our society was ruled by the humans...

They called themselves the latest model in nature and put themselves at the top of the food chain.

Little did they know what was lurking in their shadows...

What was being chased away from the forests so they could build their monumental cities...

What lived in the night like it was day.

The real kings of the food chain.

Little did they know how lucky they were to be guarded against the night rulers...

The things we survived...

The things we endured...

Even tho legends and myths of the kings stayed behind from a time where we also ruled the day...

They were just human fantasies...

But we endured!

And we survived!

Us against a world of enemies...

A world of enemies against us...

The best thing that happened was the war.

The human war.

The latest one, at least...

It certainly didn't look like a good thing at the time...

It certainly didn't...

But the human leaders gave the order.

And everything fell to ruin with death that came from the sky.

Everything except...


We survived.

Very few humans had the same luck.

But that lead us back to our rightful place!

The top of the food chain!

Rulers of both night and day!

Humans would again know the terror that was no longer hidden in the shadows!

The mention of our species would make them shake in their bones!

Back to medieval times, humans striped the world of electricity with their latest war against themselves...

It took them many generations to get used to being just another animal struggling to survive...

So we took what we were owed.

Our lands...

Our forests...

Our castles...

Our mountains...

Our freedom.

Our power.

The only thing staying in our path now...

Were the only ones still on their feet...

The Werewolves.

The Vampires.

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