Chapter 2 - Angelo

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Just like I expected, the peace conference was a bust, for more reasons than one...

Anyway! The point is that now we were back in our undeclared war and I needed to keep my mind busy, so I went to comb vampire territory by my damn self. Someone had to spy on the vampires, and who better than the Alpha's son? Things were really quiet on their side, but it's not like you can blame the animals, things were way too dead around vampires. Nothing living went to their side of the forest and when they did they got drained of every drop of blood they could offer. Then we're the savages...

A branch cracked. As I turn, a red blur jumped me, taking me down. I managed to use its momentum to push it off me and we end up facing each other ready to fight. As soon as I laid my eyes on her properly I realized she was the vampire girl, the one I met at the peace conference. She did seem as surprised to see me, as I was to see her, even then we were ready to fight as I started taking a couple of steps to my right and she mirrored me. We analyzed each other for a bit, seeing who was gonna make a move first, but we both knew that it had to be me. This was her territory, she could wait forever and backup would eventually come, but not for me. So I tried to out speed a pureblood vampire by stepping forward, closing the space between us, and trying to rip her throat open with my claws, not even a vampire can heal from a ripped off head. But she was faster than I was and dodged it, right before she tried to attack me too, surprisingly enough, I found myself being the one forced to step back, she was too fast and the only way I could dodge a few of her kicks was by backing away. Then my foot slipped from under me and, for a second, panic filled me, right before my back hit the floor, a mattress of hard ground, small rocks and pointy branches. I was looking at the dark blue sky in a matter of seconds. Before I'm able to understand my situation, I blink, and I'm now staring at her bright blue eyes. I thought that would be the last thing I saw before she ripped my heart out with her bare hands, but, for some reason, she hesitated for a split second, long enough for me to invert the positions and gain the advantage, what obviously caught her off guard.

I was gonna cut off her neck with my claws when I remembered the night of the peace conference, the night where I first saw that vampire girl and thought I had the vision, what, for that matter, is just ridiculous! She's a vampire! The only thing we're destined to is to rip each other's throat out. Yet... I was still curious to know what that could've possibly meant...

In less than nothing she had her hand on my throat and, out of instinct, I had my hand on her neck. Now something else had me curious. Why didn't she do anything else, like snap my spine?

"Not trying to get away? I could kill you." I decided to speak, that silence wasn't gonna take us anywhere, anyway.

"Technically, I could kill you too." She pointed out without moving her hand away.

"But you haven't." Even if she didn't move her hand, she didn't make enough pressure to make a real dent, and I'm pretty sure she knows it.

"Neither have you." she replied and I realized that she was right, I also wasn't making enough pressure to leave a mark.

I think we were both wondering what to do next when I'm pushed off her by something. Something that burns like hell! Silver.

I try to take it off me but nothing helps, it's a net, it's a damn silver net. Every inch of my exposed skin burns from the silver. I growl and roar in anger and pain. A couple of vampires drag me away. I kept struggling but nothing works. Between my anger and pain I see a blond guy holding her as she just looks at me being dragged to my death.

I should have never hesitated.

The damn vampires dragged me through the forest until we got to what seemed like a castle. I knew what was coming next...

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