Chapter 1.

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Nothing is forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

Nothing lives forever.

Those three short sentences is where my story begins.

I live in a small town but not enough to be considered a lost city or anything, just small enough you can barely see it on a map of Wisconsin. SO like is said, noting special.

You may think that things such as love or friendship, lives. Yes it does, truly it does live. It lives in all of us. It's just not meant for all of us. Like me for example.

I really have no words to describe myself. I’m lonely, but yet I have a big family.

I am scared, but yet I'm so fearless.

I'm one of those girls you would say I’m not ugly, but then again I’m not flaunted after by hot guys. It's just mainly the stupid, jerks. I don’t have an 'incredible' body, but then again I’m not too skinny or too fat. I'm just in the middle. I have nothing special about me really, just a few little things here and there.  I'm not very smart, but then again I'm not close to dumb.

I have a normal family; I have some siblings, a mom, a dad, and some family pets. I have two houses, but that tends to happen when your parents divorce each other. I have a pretty cool younger brother, but sometimes he acts like the older one and then most of the times you can see why he's not. I have a really cool little sister, who is everything I want to be. And an even younger brother who just, is a want to be Justin Beiber.

I'm responsible about a lot of things, like brushing my teeth, feeding the dogs, and stuff like folding the laundry.

An easy image to picture of me is the quite girl. The one in the back of every class room that has nothing truly special about her, yes she was mildly pretty. But not enough for anyone to notice her. The girl that when called on, talked so quite that no one could hear what she was saying.

See? I'm no one that can go on and on about how I am, what I do, how I talk, or anything else for that matter.

But I was best friends with someone who was literally, everything I wasn't. We were complete opposites, and now I begin to think why we were friends in the first place. That maybe it was a mistake to become friends, and time just played it's role in life.

We were salt and pepper.

Water and fire.

Dead and alive.

Scary and peaceful.

Beautiful and ugly.

Love and hate.

Man and woman.

Winter and summer.

Child and adult.

She was everything completely different than me.

She was not your normal pretty, she was so amazingly beautiful. She didn’t know it but she was. She had all these guys going behind her drooling and she didn't see it. For dances she had two or three guys ask her to go with them. She said no to every one of them, and says how she wants someone decent to ask her.

Nobody asked me though.....

She had a good body, even though she denied it over and over and complained she didn't. But she did even though she didn't say anything, she did. But I do think she sees it.

She could talk about herself and who she was, who all her friends were , and everything about her. She was that type of person, everyone would listen to and follow. What she did, everyone else did, when she told a joke, everyone laughed, when she did something not normal, everyone else did too. But she didn't see any of it really.

But like I said. Nothing lasts forever....not even best friends.

It's quite scary now that I think of it. How we stayed friends for so long, and why this didn't happen sooner.

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